Idaho NR general tag going to draw?

The current system sure feels pretty random as it is. At least with a pure lottery I wont have to hold on the phone for hours while I am at work.

I hate having to purchase a $100 license to gamble on a tag with very little chance of drawing (I'm looking at you New Mexico), so not sure I will play their game (Unless they do it very early in the year with quick turn around time on tag rewarding).
Why are you all not running multiple browsers on multiple devices? Run 30-40 browser sessions and you’re very likely to get the tag you want.

It does need to go draw for NR. But they’ll almost surely get you for $195 base hunting license in order to be in the draw. So, your costs are going up here.
Why are you all not running multiple browsers on multiple devices? Run 30-40 browser sessions and you’re very likely to get the tag you want.

It does need to go draw for NR. But they’ll almost surely get you for $195 base hunting license in order to be in the draw. So, your costs are going up here.
“Having multiple browsers open does not make your odds any better”-IDGF LOL

because IDGF is too stupid to implement the few small tweeks to the current system that have been brought up 100 different times I hope everyone ends up screwed. But until they have figured out how to get their NR buddies and the outfitters their tags I bet nothing gets changed.
“Having multiple browsers open does not make your odds any better”-IDGF LOL

because IDGF is too stupid to implement the few small tweeks to the current system that have been brought up 100 different times I hope everyone ends up screwed. But until they have figured out how to get their NR buddies and the outfitters their tags I bet nothing gets changed.

It’s simple supply and demand..

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The Motion passed unanimously.
The motion was for the department to draft a framework for a new system, and the commission will be presented with it at the next meeting. The commission had a ton of questions and concerns. The department spokesperson did not have many defined answers. The commission expressed great worry that a new system would not be successful. The commission explicitly asked if the current system could be utilized for Dec 2025 should the new system not be ready. They also asked if it would be possible to revert back to the current system later down the road should a new system not perform as desired. They also reiterated their appreciation that Idaho is the last OTC state in the west. Concerns for the guides was also mentioned.

This think is a long ways off if it actually happens.
The motion was for the department to draft a framework for a new system, and the commission will be presented with it at the next meeting. The commission had a ton of questions and concerns. The department spokesperson did not have many defined answers. The commission expressed great worry that a new system would not be successful. The commission explicitly asked if the current system could be utilized for Dec 2025 should the new system not be ready. They also asked if it would be possible to revert back to the current system later down the road should a new system not perform as desired. They also reiterated their appreciation that Idaho is the last OTC state in the west. Concerns for the guides was also mentioned.

This think is a long ways off if it actually happens.
I went back and watched it again. Commissioner Ebert brought up outfitters and guides and the legislature. This is my prediction: If it is implemented, all hell is going to break loose at the statehouse next session. If you think legislators stick their noses in IFG's business now, just wait. The IOGA is going to be breathing fire down onto their legislators.
Shout it louder for the back!

Let’s be realistic unless you have a buddy to pick it up for you or you can take a couple days off and travel to Idaho, your chances are shit. Even if you travel here it’s still not guaranteed. There’s guides buying 20+ tags a year from their buddies that get first dibs on allot of them, then still get their outfitter allocated tags.

I spoke with an outfitter that bought 50 2 years ago.

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Let’s be realistic unless you have a buddy to pick it up for you or you can take a couple days off and travel to Idaho, your chances are shit. Even if you travel here it’s still not guaranteed. There’s guides buying 20+ tags a year from their buddies that get first dibs on allot of them, then still get their outfitter allocated tags.

I spoke with an outfitter that bought 50 2 years ago.

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Take the days off and go. It’s an effort equals reward system. Now general areas are going to become like region G and H in Wyoming. Have fun hunting every 8 years.
There’s guides buying 20+ tags a year from their buddies that get first dibs on allot of them, then still get their outfitter allocated tags.

I spoke with an outfitter that bought 50 2 years ago.

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That’s why this is going to have a hard time getting through. Until they feel like they are made whole, outfitters are going to fight this kicking and screaming.
You don’t think that in part of the “coming up with a system “ they won’t just allocate a percentage of tags to the outfitters?
They already allocated tags and have been gaming the system for years by having clients buy tags outside of their allocation, having friends claim to have used the outfitter, and having “outfitted” clients that were provided no service except for an allocated tag.
They already allocated tags and have been gaming the system for years by having clients buy tags outside of their allocation, having friends claim to have used the outfitter, and having “outfitted” clients that were provided no service except for an allocated tag.
Cool story

Lots of money, friends and gaming at play here.

Don’t be so naive to think it’s all going away