Idaho NR general tag going to draw?

IDFG has made requests the last few years on social media asking for calls with information regarding vendors abusing their power, but it seems there is more gripe than useful information given.
Isn't the current system still beneficial to people who don't/aren’t able to get a tag? I feel like I've heard or read somewhere that the returned tags can be good hunts especially when you hit the August/September dates for purchasing returned tags.
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I don't see a problem with that. And either would anyone with a friend or someone here to do it for them. Got to make friends.
Isn't the current system still beneficial to people who don't/aren’t able to get a tag? I feel like I've heard or read somewhere that the returned tags can be good hunts especially when you hit the August/September dates for purchasing returned tags.
That is true, but the nonresident tags in the Aug/Sep returned sales are also available to both residents and nonresidents for 2nd tag purchase. In the returned sales before Aug 1, the nonres tags are only available to nonres that for a particular species (deer or elk) either do not have a tag or are willing to exchange their tag for a different tag for said species.
That is true, but the nonresident tags in the Aug/Sep returned sales are also available to both residents and nonresidents for 2nd tag purchase. In the returned sales before Aug 1, the nonres tags are only available to nonres that for a particular species (deer or elk) either do not have a tag or are willing to exchange their tag for a different tag for said species.
Good to know! I’ll have to keep an eye on it
It looks like the commission is moving forward with exploring a draw. Until they get the outfitters on board, it's going to be a tough sale with some of the commissioners.

I wonder why revenue is down $2.5M in 2024/25 vs 2023/24. Did they cut NR tags or give more to R's? Maybe it's down because we haven't had any secondary or turned back tag sales?!?

There were more hunting licenses sold in '23. More of the sales were online, and a lot of those people were only getting a tag for a single species.
I stand partially corrected. I watched the video recap of the Boise meeting; there were $1.7 million in NR license sales Dec 1-9. There were a good number of tag buyers that had licenses before the sale.
It looks like the commission is moving forward with exploring a draw. Until they get the outfitters on board, it's going to be a tough sale with some of the commissioners.

One of my comments in the survey was quoted almost verbatim in the discussion. It's good to see the commission truly listens.
One of my comments in the survey was quoted almost verbatim in the discussion. It's good to see the commission truly listens.
That or a bunch of other folks feel the same as I do, either way I'm good with it!
That or a bunch of other folks feel the same as I do, either way I'm good with it!
Surprisingly enough, I’ve seen quite a few comments during open houses make it to proposal changes. They do listen if you can put together a thoughtful, articulate suggestion.
Surprisingly enough, I’ve seen quite a few comments during open houses make it to proposal changes. They do listen if you can put together a thoughtful, articulate suggestion.
Shit must have been a coincidence then. I dont rite to gud.
One of their limiting factors they keep referring to is whether their Vendor can handle/provide the technical side of whatever the new plan is... It would seem they should also look at whether that is the right vendor for the role. For example, if the commission came up with the perfect plan for selling Non Resident tags and the Vendor could not perform.... Why change the plan? That being said, i would have to think that some sort of draw system would be easier to maintain than the current fiasco where the system tends to crash
If they must go to a draw, the tags should just be added into the 1st draw (elk/deer/antelope) May 1 - June 5 period.