Hellscanyon, you probably won't miss much as my hunts are normally pretty uneventful. Good luck on your hunt!
Rizzy, I have Verizon and it is great in this area I am hunting. Not very often I am out of service.
Only saw a few does and goats tonight. No elk. Since I glassed this drainage pretty good, I am going to hike into the drainage to the north of it in the morning. I have hunted it numerous times and there are some good places back in the head of the drainage which offers up some great glassing.
Wasnt gonna eat cold brats again. Stopped and bought these "Crocodile Dundee" matches at the local store. Hot brats tonight
I have been reading all the Western big game hunting forums daily for the past 7-8 years. I rarely post, but I'm relentless in reading posts to improve my mule deer IQ. This post in particular requires me to speak up and thank David for creating Rokslide. This post is a real time, detailed play by play, using text and pictures on how to improve your success in finding big mature bucks. In my opinion, after reading thousands of hunting posts, this is the best of all time. I hope to extract additional information on strategy and tactics during your hunt and in the end see you holding a beautiful mature buck. Thanks David and good luck on your quest!
Thanks provoflyfisher. Much appreciated. Hopefully you will continue to find it informational.
Rokslide is an amazing site and although I had a big hand in getting it started, many others are responsible for its success. The staff is second to none, as well as its forum members.
Beastmode, I am with you, I can't wait to see what tomorrow may have in store. I just made a pbj for lunch tomorrow and am getting my pack ready to go for in the morning. I will have approximately an hour of headlamping to be in glassable country at first light. Currently, I am the only one at this particular trailhead so maybe I will have it to myself.
I have a buddy, Scott Mansor, showing up tomorrow afternoon. I will meet up with him tomorrow night. Been a few years since I have hunted with him. Looking forward to it.
Idaho is the one state I have never pulled the trigger in. I have seen a few 180 class bucks in my previous hunts but have passed on them. This is probably my fourth time.