Thanks Hellscanyon. Half way through the day I have seen a total of seven bucks. Half a day left......we are talking less than six hours now. Gotta keep glassing.
Boy a big cloud burst just came through Idaho Falls heading that way. Might see some more snow in a bit. Hope you find a good one before tomorrow ends.
It just hit. Snowing right now making it very difficult to glass. Just glassed up this moose. Not sure why I am posting these photos up, can't see anything but black spots in all of them
Snowing hard - no visibility. Gonna call it good and start making the 9 1/2 hour drive home. Saw a lot of critters on this trip: deer, bear, goats, elk and moose. No Mr. Big, buts that's hunting.
I had fun doing the live hunt. Sorry it wasn't more exciting. Maybe next year I can do a live backpack hunt. That would really be a lot of fun.
Thanks to everyone who followed along on the hunt. Enjoyed all of the interaction.