Idaho Lolo units 10,12, others...what is wolf sitauation?

May 16, 2012
Fargo ND
We are looking at an archery elk hunt in the Lolo. We had to leave a MT unit because the wolves had pretty much cleaned up the elk population. Any intel of the wolf situation and elk numbers in this area? Thanks
Thanks, a couple of geezers here so we are searching for a drop camp for meat haul. PM any intel somewhere in ID would be great!
I was in the Lolo last fall hunting moose. Not a single elk found in 12 days. Saw one or two different tracks that’s it. Saw plenty of predator sign and one wolf. Couldn’t get a shot off unfortunately. It’s dense country!
Seems to be a popular question these past few years. It hasn't improved. Wolves are still there and in force. If you would like to see elk while you are on your hunt, go somewhere else lol!
I was referring to reputable packers who do drops. Not looking to hijack someone’s spot.

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Archery hunted 10 last year, read all about the wolf pressure and thought it can't be that bad maybe everyone was just trying to protect their spot. It is worse than you can imagine, beautiful meadows and burns with tons of forage and totally vacant of any elk or sign. I have hunted 4 other states for elk over the years and this was bar none the least amount of elk sign or seen per mile hiked than I have ever experienced. Total eye opener for me!
Lotta wolves, hunted in 4" of snow and just about every track you find is wolves. Did have a awesome hunt tho we had shot opportunities everyday,but opening day.. Like mentioned every basin looks like elk heaven and 99% have no elk
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I hunted Bear in Unit 10 with Ridgerunner Outfitters out of Kamiah. They run all season including drop and pack camps for Elk.

I'd recommend them if you want someone that's been doing it a long time and is willing to customize to suit your needs.

If you want some contact info, shoot me a PM.

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We are looking at an archery elk hunt in the Lolo. We had to leave a MT unit because the wolves had pretty much cleaned up the elk population. Any intel of the wolf situation and elk numbers in this area? Thanks
Don't know if you will see this but I have gotten my tag for that unit and wanted to know if there is any info you would be willing to share? This is my first tag for thar area but have hunted the panhandle before which is right above it. And have been there fly fishing but not scouting plan doing that this year beginning of July when the snow should be gone.
Always curious what all the wolves are eating if the elk are gone?

Chipmunks? Grouse? What?
We know what the eat. They fallow the elk if there are wolves there then there are still either elk moose or deer there for them to feed on. If there wasn't they would move on as well.
We know what the eat. They fallow the elk if there are wolves there then there are still either elk moose or deer there for them to feed on. If there wasn't they would move on as well.
That's what I would say also. I guess the wolves are just the better hunter.