Well, there were four of us that spent a whole year preparing for this and it was a first backcountry hunt like this for myself and one of my hunting partners. It was certainly a tough hunt. As far as the Outfitter, they emailed us the camp coordinates about a month or two before the hunt so we based all of our prehut e-scouting off of those coordinates. Once we got there, they actually dropped us at a different location approximately 1.8 miles up the creek. While that in itself was not necessarily a big problem, it did place us in an area where we had to change our whole hunt strategy. Other small issues were things like the camp facilities did not match their "Drop Camp" description their website. This was taken directly from their site -
"Propane Lanterns (you provide the propane), propane cook tops (you provide the propane), cooking & dining tables and latrine facilities." There was only a small 2'x2' square table with a beat up old cooktop but none of the other stuff such as Lanterns, dining tables or latrine facilities assuming they meant a pit style bathroom area. We are grateful there was at least a wood stove because the temps were in the low teens at night.
As far as game, we never saw a deer in the unit (Unit 27), yes you read that right. In fact we only saw two deer tracks in a combined 70+ miles (4 of us) of hiking/hunting/glassing. It snowed 3 out of the 7 days. We did see a couple sets of elk tracks and a
ton of wolf tracks. We did find two deer carcasses (possible wolf kills?) but only one seemed to be a recent kill since it still had a few maggots under it. The wolf tracks were fresh each day. Two of my hunting partners jumped a small bull moose but we didn't have tags for them. We eventually hiked back down the drainage to the location the outfitter had originally provided the coordinates too and glassed up a couple does and small spike across the creek (Unit 28 - not our unit). At that location, we also glassed up what we believed the same bull moose and two elk, one cow an one small bull in our unit at the end of the second to last day of hunting.
For me, I had a great time in some of the most beautiful but rugged country I have ever hunted. I loved the trip. It would have been a big bonus to see more deer or elk but I was grateful to get to spend a week out in the wilderness with my buddies. It was a much needed break from the rest of the world. I also understand the Outfitter doesn't have control amount of game, but I would have appreciated more transparency about the camp location and supplies.
One tip I would give is to spend a couple weeks riding horses if you are going to do this. 8.8 miles (3 1/2 hours) on horseback when you haven't ridden a horse in 42 years is not the best planning on my part (and I was warned ahead of time - just didn't listen).