2025 Frank Church Mule deer hunt

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Jan 8, 2022
I know its on here a lot, but I'm hoping for some up to date info and comments, so here goes:

  1. I'm looking for a DIY hunt next fall on some ground I can find a place to myself and have a reasonable chance at success.
  2. Never really done a DIY backpack/ fly-in style hunt.
  3. I like the thoughts of the Frank due to the large size but don't have too many details.
  4. At a glance it seems that I may be able to get a tag for the Frank whereas other areas in the country are a lot harder.
  5. Down side is its a heckuva a long drive out from VA.

Just starting to really look into this and a few other options. I want a test, and adventure and a decent chance at getting a buck.

Thoughts or opinions from someone who may have done this type hunt before or who is planning one?

I’ll chime in as I’ve backpack hunted a bit. I would suggest for you to try doing some kind of backpacking adventure closer to home so you can get a feel for your gear. Everybody wants an adventure but when the time comes for boots on the ground it can be overwhelming.
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