Idaho Fish and Game Counting wildlife


Apr 11, 2020
Southwest Idaho
I found a very interesting and informative article from Idaho Fish and Game regarding their methods for counting wildlife and for acquiring other information as well. It's from 2022, and the part about using trail cams to count wolves is no longer valid - they quit doing it in August of this year due to questions about validity for small populations. My takeaway is that estimates of deer and elk populations are not nearly as accurate or current as I thought, but more precision would cost a boatload of money.

Sep 13, 2016
It will be interesting to see what they come up with this year. Since 2025 will be a new season setting cycle, they will more than likely fly the critical winter range in unit 32. With the majority of that winter range burnt in the Paddock Fire, it will be hard to get an accurate survey. After the hard winter in '16/'17 IFB and the grazing lease holders wanted the elk herd dropped by 50 percent. They achieved that by '22 but that herd is making another rebound. Between the Lava, Nellie, Wapiti and Paddock fires a huge portion of not only critical winter range but summer fattening range has been lost. If the elk and deer wear out their welcome on private ground this winter, we could see another epic herd reduction.
On a side note, I went to the IFG meeting in Emmett on Tuesday for the impact of the Paddock Fire, needless to say, that 200k acres lost is going to hurt.