Idaho Experience


Oct 30, 2023
I love it when nonresidents say "scouting was not possible for us". Scouting is always possible, you just choose not to exert the effort.
Is scouting always physically possible - sure. Is it possible when one/any of the following conditions apply :

a.) Inability to take time off of work
b.) Familiy commitments
c.) Financial limitiations
...maybe not possible; certainly impractical and potentially even unfeasible.

I can tell you that everyone's situation is different, and the blanket "choos[ing] not to exert the effort" is likely mischaracterizing many hunters' situations. We do not all live a few hours drive my potential elk hunting spots. We do not all have the luxury having one single care in life and the abiltity to brush off anything that interferes. More importantly though, I think you missed the point of jkiburg's post and its a little weird that the scouting comment is all you took away from it.

His post was a commentary of sorts on the entitled/possessiveness he observed by a fellow hunter, and a logical conclusion one could derive would be hunters should not be shaming other hunters for seeing opportunity in the same areas. If you listen to hunting podcasts, you'd undoubtedly have heard by now that in many areas, the numbers of hunters are dwindling. Being a 'hater', especially toward new hunters, is not a position our community should take if we care about its future.


Aug 6, 2020
We do not all have the luxury having one single care in life and the abiltity to brush off anything that interferes.
Neither do I but it's called prioritizing. If it's important to you then you find a way to make it happen. Obviously scouting wasn't a priority for him, that's all I'm saying. I've got 3 little kids and work 60+ hours a week. I'm busier than most.

Also, everyone gets time off work, just depends on what you choose to spend it on. Again, priorities.

you'd undoubtedly have heard by now that in many areas, the numbers of hunters are dwindling.
Hunter numbers are dwindling my A$$. That must explain why permits are more and more difficult to draw year after year across the boards. Or why there are more and more pickups at every single trailhead/parking spot year after year. If you think hunter numbers are down then you've got your head in the sand.


Jun 17, 2023
Idaho resident here and I just want to say, Idaho skunks residents and non-residents, alike. I'm glad you enjoyed your time here; you are doing exactly what drew my family here more than 150 years ago, enjoying the bounty of beautiful public land. I hope I get the opportunity to do the same in a few other states, myself.


Oct 30, 2023
Neither do I but it's called prioritizing. If it's important to you then you find a way to make it happen. Obviously scouting wasn't a priority for him, that's all I'm saying. I've got 3 little kids and work 60+ hours a week. I'm busier than most.

Also, everyone gets time off work, just depends on what you choose to spend it on. Again, priorities.

Hunter numbers are dwindling my A$$. That must explain why permits are more and more difficult to draw year after year across the boards. Or why there are more and more pickups at every single trailhead/parking spot year after year. If you think hunter numbers are down then you've got your head in the sand.
Wow Dude! 60+ hours of work a week, with three small kids, and you're still getting out there. I'm genuinely impressed. You're doing life so much better than I am and my hat is off to you for being able to make it all work. Everyone's got busy lives right! Got it.

I can sympathize on your trailhead being crowded and being unable to draw units like you could in the past, I don't have my head in the sand and can assure you I didn't just dream up the point about hunter numbers dwindling. To be completely fair, that is a nation-wide statistic, but it is relevant because many western states game management offices depend heavily on non-resident license fees in their budgets. I am certainly willing (hoping) to be wrong on this, and maybe the trends are different where you live.

Doesn't change the fact picking apart at inconsequential details from an otherwise insightful post from the perspective of a non-resident.