Hey guys -
I'm a FNG to RokSlide and this is my first post, but I'm not new to elk hunting. I screwed up this 2020 Idaho (non-resident) elk season first by missing the window to put in for the draws, then waiting too late for a OTC General tag while I tried to determine what zone to hunt (had heard the quota for General tags oftentimes sell out early but I never dreamed it would have been last week (June 17) and evidently the same evening I went online to buy my tag). Lesson learned, I'm DEFINITELY starting the tag process for the 2021 season when it opens up to non-residents this December...
Anyhow, after nearly 20 years of hunting Colorado elk and having grown tired of the politics, increasing tag prices, increasing hunter pressure and decreasing elk encounters (where we hunt, at least), I decided to look into Idaho. Not only do the stats look pretty good (I know, CO has the largest elk herd), but I nearly fell over when I found out about the great deal Idaho offers disabled veterans on their hunting licenses (check it out if you fall into this category).
Long story short, when looking at the available uncapped General Elk Zones, I eventually was led to choose the Beaverhead Zone for a solo archery hunt with the intent of focusing on Units 30A and 58. This conclusion was reached after much study of harvest data, herd stats, map study (GoogleEarth, HuntStand, onX), talking with the IDFG, the logistics involved, etc.
My main problem is, I haven't yet set foot on Idaho ground and, for me, that's the real truth-teller even with a butt-load of data/map study in my back pocket. My second concern is, this will be my first solo endeaver (I normally hunt with 2 - 3 other guys), though from what I can see at this point, the Beaverhead Zone would be relatively "tame" terrain-wise compared to my Colorado experiences (am I wrong?).
I've read several other threads on the Beaverhead Zone as well as Units 30A and 58, but they're several years old at this point and I'm hoping to find some fresher info.
I'd be greatly appreciative if someone would be willing to give me their recent experience in Beaverhead Zone and if it's as specific as Units 30A and 58, all the better. I'm not looking to horn in on anyone's honey hole, just hoping to hear whether a first-time solo archery trip to that area would be worth my while or whether another Zone/Unit would be recommended moreso.
Many thanks in advance to any responders. I look forward to hearing from you!