Id/Wy winter update

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
I can safely say we just skated through a very mild winter. Green up got here without a lot of snow and the bucks/bulls should be doing great in these parts. Good thing, 10/11 winter set our bucks back about 5 years.
The other plus is we are getting spring moisture, which sometimes we don't after a mild winter and drought follows.

bearguide, what about your country over there?
That's good news... It's snowing as I type this... We need the water but I'm hoping it doesn't turn out like last year, it was late August before I could get into the high country..
bucksnort it won't be that way around here like last year as we only hit about 90% snowpack. Last year was 120 and it was deep until July.
Looking forward to hunting both Idaho and Wyoming this year. Glad to hear it was fairly mild.
We needed a light winter after the last one. Hopefully I will get to see some payoff from it with more deer where I want to hunt.
Headed over to SE Idaho tomorrow to look at deer and elk. Hopefully, the winter was not too hard. Winter of 2010-2011 set the deer back but at least a lot of the bucks survived.
That is the problem with light winters, you can get very dry. We're still getting some rain weekly but I wouldn't say we are wet.
J-daddy, western Wyoming is in good shape, too. Very light winter with some spring moisture. Will probably have some fires going by July, but animals should have done very well.
we are having an early green up in sw wyo. we had v light snow this year, the deer did not even come in to our yard this winter . should be a great year for game antler growth. i hope we get a few more wimters like this one so we can get the numbers back up
Light winters with a lot of spring rain would be nice. Keep the dust down here.... Oh yeah, plenty of good eating for the deer to keep the antlers growing....