I’d rather…

I'm not into it either, man. Just saying I dont see anything "morally wrong" with it so whats your beef if people find enjoyment in it.

Your 4,363 posts also tell me you like to hear yourself talk, so I'm not going to be argueing with you about this any longer.
Who brought morals into it? It just looked like a miserable way to spend a few days, camping at the entrance with you and a few hundred of your best friends so at 12 moon everyone can run as fast as they can as the stampede heads up the hill for a shed. I never said there was something morally wrong with it, just not a good time. You’re grasping at straws trying to put words in my mouth.

Sounds like you’re looking for a fight for no reason, I’d give you a hug if you weren’t so far away.

@CorbLand beat me to it. You sure told me! Sounds like someone else likes to hear himself talk too I guess… 🤦🏻‍♂️
I’d rather slide down a razor blade into a pool of alcohol than take part in that shit show.
Buddy is a warden up there and sent me pics of the line of cars a couple years ago he was there to open the gate, what a shit show haha
Kooky. I'm sure all they see are dollar signs laying all over the ground. Really need to stop calling it "hunting." Scavenging is more like it.
The only thing I am jealous of in that entire video is the person that found the moose paddle they showed towards the end.
I’d rather…

Poke my self in the eye with a pointy stick…

Stick my pecker in a hole full of fire ants…

Go shopping with my wife…

What would you rather do than camp out for days at your chance to participate? Where’s newberg saying we need more people?

Curl my mullet and flatten out my hat bill.

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I have wondered what the impact is if there is any to picking up sheds?
minerals? I’m sure a lot of other species uses them as well?

also would rather do the ant hole trick than take part in that ass pirate parade ?

anyone have any info on the other thing I mentioned ?