i took a Nutrition class last night.


Sep 11, 2013
i am not diabetic. i dont have high blood pressure, and my cholesterol numbers are acceptable.

BUT if you graph all my past blood test and connected the points with a straight line, i am DEFINITELY trending in that direction. my doc knows my family gene history and elected to get ahead of this before it ever becomes a problem. (i guess it still might)

so she signed me up for a class. i got there and saw the agenda and immediately thought i was in the wrong class. i was clearly the youngest in there, and the only one wearing a bowhunting cap :)

there was nothing i didnt kinda know. but what was a stark reminder and my big take away from the class was my PORTION SIZES!! holy shit i am a huge over eater!!

so to couple onto ARON's weight loss thread here is my new strategy. (i am going to maintain exercise, but this is my food strategy).

1. maintain my vigilance against refined sugar.
2. eat whole grain stuff. no more white rice, white bread. (keep it to a minimum for sure)
3. eat slower..way slower. i know i stuff my face, and i maintain that hungry feeling in my brain after i know my stomach is stuffed. i will eat a proper portion and if i am still hungry..give it 10-15 minutes before i get a second serving. no more BRAIN versus STOMACH race.
4. eat more meals during the day. i cannot enter lunch ravenous. it is a losing battle at that point. healthy snacks, or more small meals.

i already eat a balance diet. my meals are just too big. i get plenty of leafy dark greens, etc. i get plenty of fiber. i dont do fast food. and my office is next door to Macdonalds.

anything else?


Aug 30, 2012
Albuquerque NM
I have to cram my meals into my face when I can, but if I had a job where I could schedule a meal time I would have an apple, a pint of water and maybe a boiled egg 60-90 minutes before lunch time to mitigate the lunch appetite. My big issue is that I eat when I am bored, and I don't like exercising on a full stomach, usually want 2-4
hours between meal and workout, but I make sure that any post-workout suppliments, protein, chocolate milk, or snack is consumed either as I start my cooldown, or between the end of my cooldown and before showering or changing clothes.

I am having some success with intermittant fasting and Eat-Stop-Eat.



Jul 17, 2013
State of Jefferson
The only thing I could add is to try to force yourself to drink more water. I think it helps purge your blood levels, as well as speeding weight loss. And it helps you feel full between the smaller meals.

Gotta be plain old H20, nothing else works as a substitute.

Baby Huey

Jul 26, 2013
Denver, Colorado
X2 on drinking more water. One trainer suggested a rule of thumb to drink the # of ounces you weigh with the # of lbs you weigh. So, say one weighs 200lbs, then try to drink 200 oz of water. It is actually tought to drink that much water and you will be going to the bathroom every hour. I find that it does help me with weight loss, metabolism increase and digestion and feeling more full.


Jun 16, 2012
Colorado Springs,Co.
Boy I like the chocolate too! Especially if the dark kind has an Almond in the middle or a pretzel in it. But I'm going a different direction now. Just bought a bag of raw Almonds with sea salt for snacking at work and doing the "lots of water" thing. Anyone know if Tea would be okay to drink instead of so much water and if not why? Bob.


Sep 11, 2013
Boy I like the chocolate too! Especially if the dark kind has an Almond in the middle or a pretzel in it. But I'm going a different direction now. Just bought a bag of raw Almonds with sea salt for snacking at work and doing the "lots of water" thing. Anyone know if Tea would be okay to drink instead of so much water and if not why? Bob.

i drink a lot of tea. lately it has been barley tea. i get it at korean markets. no sugar. barley is supposed to be good for me.

almonds. i just bought some too. my favorite nut to snack on. crazy expensive here. i think it was $8.99 lb. i gotta find a better source. the nutrtionist warned us. that a serving of almonds is like 12 of them. hahahha..12 nuts. i think that is what she said..

i just googled it. 23 nuts.


Jul 17, 2012
Boy I like the chocolate too! Especially if the dark kind has an Almond in the middle or a pretzel in it. But I'm going a different direction now. Just bought a bag of raw Almonds with sea salt for snacking at work and doing the "lots of water" thing. Anyone know if Tea would be okay to drink instead of so much water and if not why? Bob.

No calories if you're not putting sugar your tea. I drink a ton of tea. My mom got me on Teavana teas. They have some pretty sweet stuff that tastes awesome. Sometimes you just can't take the monotony of water all the time. Have to switch it up. I try not to drink any calories if I can...except for a little alcohol on a social occasion here and there.


Dec 2, 2013
I also force everybody to drink more water because it has many benefits and good for health. I also like this kind of nutrition training classes because there is lot of important information to learn for us.
lakecountybootcamps gym
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