I need an easy diet.

Aug 21, 2012
I need an easy to use convenient diet to compliment my workouts. This is the week I'm adding diet to my workout. Remember it needs to put on muscle and be easy. What do you do?
Eat less, move more :)

No really! Ultimately weight loss is a matter of calorie arithmetic....using a calorie counting app like myfitnesspal is helpful and makes it a lot easier, while at the same time helping you figure out your calorie expenditures through physical activity. If you are looking for an easy place to cut calories, alcohol and starchy foods tend to be high calorie with lower nutritional benefit. When I am trying to jump start healthier eating (like right after the holidays for example) wine and bread/potatoes are the first thing I try to cut back on... At the same time, I feel like any successful diet plan has to have room for an indulgence or two though, otherwise you feel deprived and go crazy when you eventually fall off the wagon. Life is too short to give up everything you like forever, but many of my least healthy favorite foods should only be enjoyed in moderation.

Just my $0.02...
giving up bread is a tough one for me i switched to whole grain but havent noticed losing any weight. its my breaksfast staple.
If your a milk drinker stop it will give you some quick inchs lost , also try to stay watch your carb intake , instead of using a scale use a tape . Play with your carb levels . find out by inchs lost and gained what carb intake you can stay withen. at least alf you body wieght in protien a day, Look at your water intake , a gallon a day , fill that think up and start drinking. Remember the hardest part about losing is onced you platue its always te diet and thats where most just cant get it in gear ... Good luck
Wholemeal or rye bread is best, least processed. Having a sugar free diet is not that hard to do. Try and find a sugar free sports drink in a health food store, thete are some decent ones available. Avoid low fat, low sugar processed foods, the catch cry of these products can be misleading. Many products will have sweeteners such as fructose or some 'tose' in them, these are all fatteners. Remember, if your food isn't a direct product from nature, chances are it is going to be fattening.
This is what I am trying to do personally, I haven't stuck to my guns because my stress level is through the roof right now and I'm a comfort food eater. But, when I'm not stressed out I will typically find my base metabolic rate (the rate at which my body burns calories just to stay alive with no other activities) I believe mine is around the 2000 mark. I'll add in the fact that if I'm diligent about working out or running I'll add in 200-500 calories depending on how active I am. From there it's just a matter of watching what I eat, logging it on myfitnesspal, and staying in my caloric goals. I try not to eat more than 150 grams of carbs if I'm working out, and the carbs I do eat I try to make sure don't come from crap (I have a slight addiction to Dr. Pepper that I need to kick). I also try to take in 1 gram of protein a day as well, doesn't matter to me if its protein from powder or meat. As long as I hit 170 grams a day I'm good. The rest of my calories can be filled in with fats from the meats, nuts, veggies, etc. I can typically figure how to fit what I want to eat into my goals after a few days, after that its just a matter of eating the same things pretty regularly. I find making a meal plan and sticking to it works awesome, and if I have the time I'll try to cook four to five different main courses on a Saturday or Sunday which keeps me from going out to eat. If I do go out I just make it fit into my calorie goals. A lot of the times I may be over by a couple of hindered calories, but that's ok because at the end of the week I can look back and adjust as necessary. Hope this helps ya some.
Mine right now is pretty easy.

Meal 1
1 cup oats and protien shake 1scoop all may pb

Meal 2
6oz chicken 1 cup brown rice or yams 1 cup broccoli

Meal 3
Protien shake and handful raw almonds

Meal 4
Same as meal 2 but add in tbsp of olive oil

Meal 5
1 cup fat free sodium free cottage cheese and casean protien
None of these sound like an "easy" diet except for what Jager is talking about... More protein less sugar. If you eat bread and noodles, make sure they are whole grain noodles. There is something like 10+ teaspoons of sugar in a single pepsi can. Cut out sugar, candy bars, and "processed" foods, and take in fruit + veggies + whole wheat products + protein. Needs some dairy in there too.

Think of your body like a finely tuned high compression race engine. Poor fuel in = poor performance and less longevity! You're body was designed to run on NATURAL fats, proteins, sugars and starches... More people get fat from sugar than butter and that's a fact. There's my "easy diet" for you. :)

Not an expert by any means. Don't even know if I'm going about it right, but I've lost quite a bit by trying to not eat anything from a can or package, eating alot more salad(spinach), and keeping fruits and veggies around to snack on. Pickles are my one vice. High in sodium, I know. I try not to eat any noodle/bread that is not whole grain.

One thing my mom said to me that didn't resonate at the time, but really hits home now that I see the results is to not drink your calories. I drink coffee(black), tea that I brew myself so its not sweetened(Teavana is great for a wide variety of teas), and water. Pick up an Arizona tea, pop, or juice and look at how many servings and calories are in them.
I've lost 20 lbs since Christmas by increasing exercise, and decreasing my starchy carb crap. No bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. It sucks becuase a lot of that stuff can be low cal. So if doing just a low cal diet, you can eat more if that stuff. I wanted to try the caveman deal and so far I don't mind it. It works. I eat lots of meat and veggies, and eggs. Hamburger or ham steaks for dinners with a couple sides of veggies. Steak, chicken, pork and fish for suppers, with even more veggies...Not as tough as I thought it would be. Ranch and French kill me with my salads I'm sure. And I won't give up cheese and milk.
I've lost 25 pounds since January 1st. This is what has worked for me. I stopped drinking soda and that's basically the only thing I have cut out from my meal plan. However, I am no longer eating out every day at work. I pack my meals and usually eat five to six times a day which keeps my energy up and raises your metabolism. I've added more fruits and vegetables. I also work out during the week after work.

The big trick to my "system" if you want to call it a trick or gimmick is I am logging my food everyday and watching my daily calorie intake. On the weekends I have occasionally had a Big Mac (540 calories) with a milk (and no fries or soda!) for lunch for a treat however I make sure and do not go over my overall daily limit. Below is an example of food I ate on a recent day.

Early Morning Snack - one banana
Breakfast- oatmeal with brown sugar, coffee with nonfat milk
Morning Snack - meal replacement bar (great to have some on hand if your job takes you away from your lunch box)
Lunch - Turkey breast sandwich with Dave's Killer Bread (multi grain wheat) and half an avocado spread on the bread
After Workout snack - glass of lowfat chocolate milk
Dinner - Big Salad (and I mean big) with black olives, yellow bell pepper, almonds, sunflower seeds, hardboiled egg, baby shrimp meat, fat free catalina dressing
Evening snack - lowfat cottage cheese
Sounds like u have it down pat Wonky Wapiti, loosing weight doesn't mean a person has to starve themselves. Cutting out soda is gold.
This is not advice, but I watched my boss lose 40 lbs in 3 months with a diet of primarily carrots and celery. He was cranky as **** during that time, however, so warn your peers and family if you venture this route. This is akin to a low carb diet, albeit an extremely low calorie diet.
First, I will readily admit that I'm not a nutritionist. You probably already know which foods are good and bad for you, and you know your weaknesses. If you don't buy the bad food you're addicted to, you can't run to the pantry and snack on it. It sounds simple, and in a way it is. If I don't have a bag of chips or cookies in the pantry, I sure as heck am not going to drive to 7-11 to pick up some up...and the binge snacking is avoided.