I my velocity reasonable for a 6.5 PRC?


Feb 1, 2019
South Dakota
I'm seeing an average of 2775 FPS with a 143gn ELDX, 57.0gn IMR 7977, with a 20" barrel CA FFT 6.5 PRC. Is this on par with having a shorter barrel? Thanks
Have you compared to manuals? Nosler lists ~3000 with a 142 and 26” barrel. So subtract approx 25fps/in*6” and you get ~2850fps.

So you probably have some more velocity potential, approx 75fps if you want to run at max pressure. Your load looks very reasonable for a 20” barrel to me.
Look at what the manuals say, compare different ones. With the right powder, velocity is pretty much equated to pressure. If you're in line with manuals, you're good to go. If you're a bit slow, work up until you see signs them back down again. But if you're within 75 fps that was said, I wouldn't chase it myself if it's accurate. With scopes and modern ballistic knowledge, 75 FPS doesn't mean crap.
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2775fps isn’t terrible for a 20”, could possibly squeeze out 20-30fps more with a suppressor which would put you just below book speeds.

I’m working on a 24” Tikka barrel currently that is slow but accurate, averaging low to mid 2800’s across the four powders I’ve tried. Would it be nice to have 3000+fps and stitching tight groups? Yes, but I’m a glass-half-full kind of guy and the upside to slow and accurate is better barrel life. Instead of 1700-1900 rounds before the groups open up I might could mess around and see the low to mid 2000’s or more which is worth it to me shooting 100-150 rounds per rifle per week.
Thanks for the input. After look through some manuals it looks like 2900 is at 58.4C gn of IMR 7977 with a 24” barrel.
I’m averaging 2839, SD 8.5/ES 18, with 57.8gr H1000, Fed 215Ms, Hornady brass, COAL 2.950. Haven’t shot it suppressed yet, so there should be a bit more juice I can squeeze.
Sounds a little slow but it's not that far off for a short barrel. If it's accurate, I wouldn't chase velocity, especially if it's 100fps or less. That really does not add much. I have a 24" and I run the 142ABLR around 2835 fps. Getting .3-.4" 4 shot groups at 100. I have went up to 2900 and a little over which is maximum according to book. But I was getting 1" groups. Rather keep accuracy. Everyone has their own preference, to me anything .5" or less groups is great and I'm happy, others are fine with the 1" and having the speed.
Rather slow for a PRC. I’m seeing 2750 out of my brothers 22” 6.5 Creed with 143 eldx and H4350.
I have a Mesa fft 6.5 prc, factory 147 eld-M was around 2730 on the Chrono with only thirty rnds down the barrel. I'll get some updated speeds once I'm at the 100 mark to see what the velocity changes are. Something to keep in mind with the Christensen, they list it as 20" but that includes the brake, actual barrel is like 18.75". Once I get mine broken in I'll be running hand loads so I'm hoping to be at 2800.
I'm seeing an average of 2775 FPS with a 143gn ELDX, 57.0gn IMR 7977, with a 20" barrel CA FFT 6.5 PRC. Is this on par with having a shorter barrel? Thanks
Ran your load through QL using the default OAL of 2.955 and per QL you're a good 75-85 fps faster then what it predicted so it appears you're in the ball park or even a little better. If you wanted to pick up 150-200fps you could switch to a faster powder like RL26 or IMR7828/IMR7828ssc
Sounds very slow to me. My 260AI is shooting 3044fps with 142ABLR, RL26, 24” barrel.

Knock 100fps off for 4” of extra barrel length and I’m still 200fps faster in a non-magnum cartridge.

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Look at what the manuals say, compare different ones. With the right powder, velocity is pretty much equated to pressure. If you're in line with manuals, you're good to go. If you're a bit slow, work up until you see signs them back down again. But if you're within 75 fps that was said, I wouldn't chase it myself if it's accurate. With scopes and moderate knowledge, 75 FPS doesn't mean crap.
I would agree with 35Whelen here. If you load is accurate don't chase the extra 100 FPS.
Very slow, I have load deved a few 20" 6.5 PRC & 143s running around 2875 to 2900 with VV565