I Found A Full Quiver.


Aug 1, 2015
The Land of Enchantment
I thought it might be interesting to try and track down the owner.

I found it while hiking the Florida Mountains during the archery Ibex hunt. It was neatly leaned against the base of a cliff in some very rough and steep terrain. The equipment isn't that old (maybe 2-3 years) but the UV damage leaves little to be salvaged. I will pay to ship it to whoever can describe the gear.

I would love to hear the hunt story of when a quiver gets left on the mountain.

Does this ring a bell for anyone?
I love people running their mouth before you have any idea of what happened. 😂
I’ll probably never know what happened or follow along to find out. But I’ve seen enough abandoned camps to spot people way in over their heads.
I once had my stock on-board quiver (a poor quality design, whihd I immediately replace when I got back home the next day) get knocked off/fall-off while I had it strapped to back of pack. Thankfully for whatever reason I had to stop and get something out fo my pack, like a snack or whatever and noticed it went AWOL so had to back-track and found it. I only mention that to say it's not always because somebody ditzed and just forgot it there.
I found one in CO this year with four arrows. Also found someone’s cross country ski (yeah just one and no body found close). Also, did you say florida “mountains”?
We once had two guys in there late 60's walk in to our camp in the mountains (way in the mountains) and ask if we had been on (that mountain over there). Seems one of them had dropped a pair of Leicas, and couldn't find them. These guys had hunted that area for years, just had some bad luck, I did hear from them a few days later that they found the Leicas and were very relieved. Anybody can misplace something.
I found one in CO this year with four arrows. Also found someone’s cross country ski (yeah just one and no body found close). Also, did you say florida “mountains”?
The quiver you found in CO, could you PM me the unit? I have a friend that lost his quiver a few years ago in CO. Obviously a long shot but I'm curious. Hilarious story.. lost it hiking in before daylight, sun rose and he had 5 bulls bugling around him with no arrows! haha
The quiver you found in CO, could you PM me the unit? I have a friend that lost his quiver a few years ago in CO. Obviously a long shot but I'm curious. Hilarious story.. lost it hiking in before daylight, sun rose and he had 5 bulls bugling around him with no arrows! haha
PM sent.
I have had my quiver get knocked off my bow twice while hiking. Luckily I noticed within a short distance both times. Lost arrows that got knocked out as well.
I lost one once archery elk hunting. It was a cheaper quiver that "popped" on. Bow was on my pack and a tree or something ripped the quiver off. Miraculously found it 6 weeks later in rifle season, packing out a bull. Good elk hunting in there.
Ive got a Garmin Oregon laying on an open hillside at 12k+ feet in Colorado South of Leadville if anyone finds it. It was an older one and I now have a GPSMap 66. I am just pissed I lost all my waypoints as I hadn't uploaded them since I got the thing. Ive lost multiple arrows over the years, and my brother was constantly having his quiver come off his bow. He finally tied it on and picked up a Tight spot the next year.
Whatever happened to cause the loss this one thing is for sure
The hunter went vegetarian for at least a day
I once lost all of my arrows out of my quiver. I was so exhausted that I didn't even notice until I got home and took my bow out of the case.

I was just certain someone stole my arrows out of my garage while I was unloading the car. No way could I have lost them and not noticed, nope no chance!

After a good night's sleep, I remembered going off trail, busting through some thick brush and then falling down an embankment to a creek. Hmmm....

I drove back out to the trailhead and hiked the couple miles to the creek and after a fee minutes searching for the place I fell, noticed some orange fletchings. 5 arrows in a line down the embankment.

I guess, they were knocked loose in the brush and the fall finished them off. I was so exhausted, I never noticed. My brain was just on autopilot putting one foot in front of the other on the way back to the trailhead.

That was a wake up call and the reason I carry a tourniquet in my first aid kit now.
An airman died a couple years ago on an archery hunt in the Florida mountains from a fall. Not saying it was his but could’ve been. That’s super rough country in places, could’ve been several reasons for it being left although it does seem strange.