I dont understand the hostility towards wolf reintroduction in Colorado

The people wanting all these animals reintroduced are not the people that are having to live with them ! I farm in the Midwest and fight a daily battle with coons possums and coyotes. They can be killed at will year round, yet they are still out of control, in the past 3 nights I've removed 4 coons raiding my chickens . Since the reintroduction of bobcats our turkeys have almost disappeared it's pretty common here to see the bobcats grabbing turkeys as they flew off the roost in the morning,, Same with the otters, no farm pond is safe from them they move in, and don't leave till all the fish are gone. Can't fathom having to stand by as wolves preyed on my livestock , and be told that I would be reimbursed for damages, money doesn't begin to pay for the time and effort and selective breeding that goes into farming and ranching livestock, turn a couple dozen wolves and bears loose in Denver , when they get done eating all the poodles and shitzoos and start start dragging kids under the fence at the elementary school tell them they are just doing what predators do.
It's funny that people keep reading the first page, skipping the next 23 and jumping on here to chime in... I get it the purpose of the site is discussion. No need to beat dead horses though... If you read all pages the OP @Loo.wii appreciated the responses, admitted to ignorance and now understands the hostility.

Why don't we use this thread to highlight the issue rather than attack an individual?
#1 Why do you care? #2 This is an open forum, and my responses to the OP's honest ideals are highlighting the issues as his type are what is at the heart of these issues, and my responses would be the same regardless of his recent responses.
This is only an open discussion forum if we treat others respectfully.

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When on earth did skiing and wearing ski goggles mean you don’t know anything about hunting or conservation?

I don’t know either of you but that’s a lame reason to not actually contribute to the conversation.
Absolutely!! When the real test regarding knowledge about hunting or conservation is whether he skis, snowboards, or both!

Just kidding…..
Wolves have certainly cut down the total Elk herd here in ID significantly since reintroduction. That alone forces me to do my part and get a tag and kill one every year. Trouble is, they aren’t easy to find in the country I hunt and more often than not have no success at helping manage their population. I’d love to be a part of a bigger group that works together to punch tags on these canines.