Evan Williams
HA HA HA !!!! That's awesome congrats!!!!
My vest, attack pants, and hat came in really love he pants but was hoping the vest would of been a bit longer in the front, but still really like the vest. I'm now trying to talk myself out of a spindrift before the sale is over.
Get the spindrift! I have the guide jacket, spindrift, and chugach jacket. As I play with the pices more Im wondering why I got the guide jacket as I think the first lite merino base layer, spindrift and chugach will cover me pretty well in most situations.
I like the guide jacket for those cold and dry days. Yes it is not needed and you could get by with the spindrift/chugach only but it is a very nice luxury item to have along.
...my Attack pants was with it. I am very pleased. Extremely comfortable, and fit perfectly. I am a bit surprised at how light weight they are, they don't seem very durable, but all the reviews I've read praise their durability.