“Huntress” charged with several wildlife crimes

I have always wondered what processes people to take such risk knowing the consequences of their action will be their down fall. Could it be ego?
I'll bet it's incremental violations that escalate over time. Honestly, I have never seen a game warden in the field while hunting. At some point, I assume they feel comfortable knowing their chance of getting caught in the act is exquisitely low.

However, their ego is usually their downfall (thankfully). They can't handle bagging a trophy sized animal without posting or bragging. They want or better put THEY NEED the positive feedback regarding their hunting prowess.

Probably have an underlying insecurity or a small d$&^ :D
I have always wondered what processes people to take such risk knowing the consequences of their action will be their down fall. Could it be ego?

Even a serial killer's gotta start somewhere.

The only wardens I've ever seen here were really just in the last couple years. They weren't allowed to do anything in 20 though due to covid.
I'll bet it's incremental violations that escalate over time. Honestly, I have never seen a game warden in the field while hunting. At some point, I assume they feel comfortable knowing their chance of getting caught in the act is exquisitely low.

However, their ego is usually their downfall (thankfully). They can't handle bagging a trophy sized animal without posting or bragging. They want or better put THEY NEED the positive feedback regarding their hunting prowess.

Probably have an underlying insecurity or a small d$&^ :D
While thinking about the "Huntress" I never considered the D&*k possibility. But now days who knows.
I'll bet it's incremental violations that escalate over time. Honestly, I have never seen a game warden in the field while hunting. At some point, I assume they feel comfortable knowing their chance of getting caught in the act is exquisitely low.
Game and fish in every state has great investigators and can "cyber scout" everyone through that.
They make a presence in some of the more sketchy places, but they don't need to be everywhere when everyone is posting their crimes online. Lol
I have found through personal experience with more than a few locals that have claimed to be "All that and more" that Ego eventually wins out and laws are broken to keep the "reputation" alive.
I personally caught and reported our valleys "best" archery hunter using a rifle during archery season, another shooting a 6 point two days after the season closed and also the valleys "best" deer hunter shooting a contest winning buck on his Grandmas tag.
Hunting competitions bring the worst out in the hunting community.
When God's creatures are reduced to commodities, we disrespect their Creator.
I think some of that online “prestige” might inflate the ego a bit much and then can often lead to trouble down the road. This isn’t the first online “celebrity” hunter that has found themselves on the wrong end of the law.
I think it’s essentially common. I wish there was a solid online repository of “celebrity” hunter violations. It blows my mind how many companies seem happy to do business with them.
That dopamine hit you get from being validated on social media is no joke for some people. I think it's just like any other type of addiction for people...consequences be damned.

That dopamine hit isn’t an accident. Social Media creators designed their systems based on human frailties. Just look up what Google has done: Tristan Harris.

by the way, that little red number in the upper right corner of this site that tells you I responded to your post is based on the same psychology/physiology. See the red, drip the dopamine, post to get more.
I think it’s essentially common. I wish there was a solid online repository of “celebrity” hunter violations. It blows my mind how many companies seem happy to do business with them.

Make it a repository of the hunter AND the companies who support and sponsor. Choose wisely where to spend your dinero.
When God's creatures are reduced to commodities, we disrespect their Creator.
Profound statement. I'm going to note this down.
Everyone is a "guide" now. They want validation, likes, and to profit off wildlife.

NM forces outfitters and guides to have posters on their trucks now stating who they work for.
Last year it was implemented and every other truck was in fact a "guide".
Bonafide national forest Uber taxis.

When I was young if I heard guys say they were hunting guides I was always in subtle awe. "Oh man this guy must know his shit."

Now it's an almost laughable title if it's not in real wilderness.
"I sell public land spots for money, so guys never have to hire a guide after I show them how to hunt it."

To quote a wise man "public land guiding has become prostituting our wildlife and eliminating the gratification of hard work."

I'm not saying all public land outfitters are bad, in fact I'm friends with some. But the way the "industry" has gone has turned into a shady social media fueled shit show.
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Profound statement. I'm going to note this down.
Everyone is a "guide" now. They want validation, likes, and to profit off wildlife.

NM forces outfitters and guides to have posters on their trucks now stating who they work for.
Last year it was implemented and every other truck was in fact a "guide".
Bonafide national forest Uber taxis.

When I was young if I heard guys say they were hunting guides I was always in subtle awe. "Oh man this guy must know his shit."

Now it's an almost laughable title if it's not in real wilderness.
"I sell public land spots for money, so guys never have to hire a guide after I show them how to hunt it."

To quote a wise man "public land guiding has become prostituting our wildlife and eliminating the gratification of hard work."

I'm not saying all public land outfitters are bad, in fact I'm friends with some. But the way the "industry" has gone has turned into a shady social media fueled shit show.
Outfitter welfare is going to cause issues like this. If you wanna hunt Wilderness as NR in WY guess what, unless you know a R, your gonna need a guide. If you want better draw results in NM as NR guess what your gonna need a guide. When something is required you always gonna have issues with the bottom of the barrel.
Outfitter welfare is going to cause issues like this. If you wanna hunt Wilderness as NR in WY guess what, unless you know a R, your gonna need a guide. If you want better draw results in NM as NR guess what your gonna need a guide. When something is required you always gonna have issues with the bottom of the barrel.
They tried to fix some of that in NM earlier this year, but the a-holes tacked on a bunch of shady anti hunting stuff into the bill.
Honestly we’re too quick to forgive. Mark Carter is doing just fine. Dude didn’t even sound like he thought he did anything wrong on the THP and Free Range American pods he did. Look at the recent GU Unfiltered/MHGA beef. GU isn’t going to get any real criticism for giving a platform to Alex Nestor, and Nestor still works in the industry. It’s also unlikely Brian Call faces any real blowback for the wolf tag/elk tag ordeal.

I don’t think their lives should be ruined, but these guys seem to get to move on pretty quick and pretend it never happened.
Honestly we’re too quick to forgive. Mark Carter is doing just fine. Dude didn’t even sound like he thought he did anything wrong on the THP and Free Range American pods he did. Look at the recent GU Unfiltered/MHGA beef. GU isn’t going to get any real criticism for giving a platform to Alex Nestor, and Nestor still works in the industry. It’s also unlikely Brian Call faces any real blowback for the wolf tag/elk tag ordeal.

I don’t think their lives should be ruined, but these guys seem to get to move on pretty quick and pretend it never happened.
I’m not sure it should ruin a life either but I also don’t think you should be making a living as a “hunter” if you’ve got violations