Hunting with a Partner....

Jun 15, 2016
Curious on how others actually hunt, when two (or more) people have a tag?

"See you back at camp at dark" and keep in touch during the day via inreach?


Hunt together until one person harvests (maybe one person calls and the other shoots), then hunt together to fill the other tag?


Something else?
Curious on how others actually hunt, when two (or more) people have a tag?

"See you back at camp at dark" and keep in touch during the day via inreach?


Hunt together until one person harvests (maybe one person calls and the other shoots), then hunt together to fill the other tag?


Something else?

Typically what I do is make an agreement ahead of time. Who shoots, who calls and what happens if an elk walks by the caller. If you can cover these things than there “shouldn’t” be any issues. Your hunting partner and you have to make those determinations and have the discussions. Until this year I had be hunting areas where you may only get one elk in the entire season so that has added a whole new problem. For me, there are a couple people I will never hunt with again because of that. Find a good partner and you will be good. Also, I try to stay together or in close proximity as elk are big and typically archery is warm weather. When you get one down, you really need to get it cool and packed out. One person shoots, we all pack out. That person is still helping pack and call for those who are left. It’s a team and a team doesn’t quit if one guy scored a goal.
We flip a coin, rock paper scissors, or the like and the winner is first shooter. Miss or hit, we move on to the next guy. But if anyone gets a good shot opportunity without a chance for whoever is up, we take it.

Two of us will stick together and maybe split up for a short time and/or distance during the day.
Had a fellow break team recently and it seems that the desire to succeed at any cost is strong in some folks. Best option with someone like that would be to head diff directions and say, see you back at camp at dark.

All you gotta do is ask - how do you want to do this? Then run with it.

Got 4 guys in camp, 3 hunters this year - known everyone for at least 20 years. 1 is giving every indication that he's gonna run solo. Hoping the other hunter is more of a team player. This is gun hunting.
I’ve had good success (and a much better hunting experience) by hunting with one buddy at a time. With two of us, our success rate increases significantly, and the trip is simply more enjoyable. We rotate hunter and caller each time we have a responsive bull. That bull doesn’t always commit to come in, but that’s the way we play the game. We have hunted together for about 11 years, so we approach scenarios much the same, and both share the same passion for the hunt and work well to lift each other up when the hunt gets tough. Make sure you have a hunting partner who can be positive and grind it out even when times get tough, and you’ll have a good hunt.

I’ve taken bulls solo and ones with others around. Without a doubt, the bulls I’ve taken with others have been far sweeter than those without. Sharing time with others on the mountain is the best part of the journey.
Hunting with a partner is the way to go, I guess most of you need to find new friends. I couldn't care less if I call an elk into my buddy or he calls one into me. We switch caller shooter depending on the scenario, and have switched in the middle of encounters to play to our strengths. Meat is shared and I don't have social media so don't care about posting a FB pic.
I have some guys I used to hunt with including my son who I don't hunt as much with as they live too far away. I think you have to be friends with or really get to know someone well for it to be enjoyable. If you aren't on the same page, the whole thing just sucks. I have been hunting solo not so much because I want to but because I haven't found someone who is compatible. And I don't do FB either.
Always split up for me. Unless you know exactly where the elk will be. Splitting up will help you target the area better. Last year my friend and I split up, he shot one opening morning, we knew they'd either be on the side he was on or mine. Luck of the draw. Well, after he shot his, I knew where they were so two days later I killed my first bull there. Also, sometimes hunting with others screws you over. Got to make sure you're loud clumsy friends push the elk to you, not away ;)
I hunted by myself the last 2 years and I really look forward to hunting with a partner this year. The guy I'll be hunting with is thoughtful to a fault. Knowing him, he will be doing his best to get me in position to take an elk ahead of himself. Not everyone is like that for sure. With the right partner I really feel like the odds increase of taking meat home. Not to mention the safety aspect and with help getting the meat out.
I have never really hunted with anybody but my brother. We have different skills that we bring to the table. We can both hold our own solo, but we are a pretty killer team when we can hunt a drainage with a strategy. I have great eyesight, and my brother has incredible hearing. When we are together, we can really find em and then make a go plan. We will usually make an early plan and a late plan, the middle of the day we fill in however it goes. His back is failing pretty bad. If he can't hunt, I will likely be solo from then on.
1 or 2 or 3 people, it doesnt matter. Everybody is a shooter and caller. You just never know where/when that elk will come in and give someone a shot.

Several times we've killed more than one elk at one call set.
See you back at camp. I'll message you on the InReach when it's time to pack. As Mike said, it's hard to find a partner on the same page......there is one guy who when we hunt together, seem to know each other's thoughts and don't even have to talk. However I've only ever tagged along and called for him on his hunts because he only applies for a couple units not far from where he lives and im either hunting the Gila, Colorado, or both and he is lucky to draw a tag once every 5 years
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