Hunting while wearing external frame

Feb 12, 2018
I don't know many backpack hunters personally - most of the folks I know hunt with a day pack and go back to the car to get a frame after the kill. I know that some folks here use external frame packs for hunts where you hike in to camp - do you use the frame pack in the day for hunting, or do you carry a separate day pack?
I've used a Kifaru Bikini frame and full size bag on every deer and meat hunt for the last 6 years. I don't know how many hunts but it would have to average at least 30 days/hunts a year.
I use my EXO as a frame pack and a day pack. Just compress the bag down for daypack use.

Using the frame for you day pack means 1 less trip to get the meat out
IMO, it depends on how far from camp you plan to hunt, and if you have anyone else with you. We packed camp in 5 miles to be where the elk are, so we were generally hunting within 1-2 miles from there, albeit sometimes with 1500’ of elevation.

If your day pack is the type with some aluminum stays and an actual hip belt, I’d probably hunt with that and plan on carrying the back straps and tenderloins back in it if you’re successful. Those plus your gear and weapon will be a decent load.

You’ve then got 2 hams and 2 shoulders, which would still be 3 trips for me, but some guys can do it in 2.

I feel hunting with a larger/bulkier pack is going to decrease my chance of success, so I’d rather make the extra trip if given the choice. I hunt with the KUIU 1850 and frame, so I have the best of both worlds to me.
Thanks everyone for the replies. Unfortunately I think wearing my Kelty Cache Hauler all day might be a little more awkward than a compressed internal frame.
If I’m hunting an area that requires packing meat, I’m wearing a pack capable of doing so. Today’s offerings are lightweight ergonomically, and tuck in behind the back well.
I hunted with a Cabela's Alaskan frame pack (similar to your Kelty) for years before upgrading to Kifaru. I always hunted with the frame on, anticipating being able to haul substantial meat from the kill site directly to the truck. Only suggestion is to remove that top bar from the Kelty if you can. That will help reduce the snags/clumsiness of wearing a frame pack all the time.
I hunted with a Cabela's Alaskan frame pack (similar to your Kelty) for years before upgrading to Kifaru. I always hunted with the frame on, anticipating being able to haul substantial meat from the kill site directly to the truck. Only suggestion is to remove that top bar from the Kelty if you can. That will help reduce the snags/clumsiness of wearing a frame pack all the time.

Hey! Are you talking about cutting down the frame or just removing the top loop that slides out?

I have a Cabela's frame I am considering cutting down, but can't find anyone who's done it.
Fatcamp, I cut my cabelas frame down (the two posts that stick up) as well as removed the rounded removable top bar. I saved the plastic endcaps where the top bar connected to the frame and replaced them after the cut on the remaining part of the frame, just so the metal from the cut was covered. You can still insert the crossbar if you wanted to and it will hold. PM me your phone number and i can send you pics if you want.
I want to take a load out asap so I always have a pack that can do it. Here in western Oregon the brush will beat ya down. An external might “hang up” more but if brush isn’t to much of an issue you should be fine.
I always carried my Cabelas Alaskan pack (with the top bar removed) and now carry a kifaru frame with the Native bag on it. Wearing the frame is comfortable and has never gotten in the way. Nice to be able to pack as soon as possible.
With the packs available today I have wondered seeing lots of people still using an external frame "meat hauler" pack.
Is there any benefit to one of those over a Kifaru/SG/Exo/whatever? I can't imagine the externals being more comfortable?
With the packs available today I have wondered seeing lots of people still using an external frame "meat hauler" pack.
Is there any benefit to one of those over a Kifaru/SG/Exo/whatever? I can't imagine the externals being more comfortable?

Cost I imagine is the biggest benefit. I think they are also sentimental hand me downs. The modern stuff is still relatively new.