Hunting the rock. Newfoundland moose

Dec 28, 2015
Sitting at the holiday inn Deer Lake waiting for a morning pickup tomorrow. I'm going to do my best to keep this updated but not sure how reception is where in traveling. I also want to write a detailed report of all travel and gear as there is alot of differences it seems in travel to newfoundland as of late.

I booked this hunt with Dean Macdonald of DADG Macdonald outfitters 3 years ago. It was a long wait and I got to see alot of nice picture of bulls they had shot over the years. I booked into a remote trophy camp That is a bit farther flight than his main camp hunt.

I booked my flights through Air Canada from Chicago - connection in Toronto - and then onto deer lake 2 days prior to the hunt start incase baggage was lost.

Air canada wants you to pre register your firearms / ammunition by calling there reservation line at least 24 hrs prior. This want smooth and think helped at the airport. A trigger lock must be placed on the firearm and ammunition needs to be in a seperate case and locked. I did not use TSA locks on my case. I actually did orders some on Amazon the night before my flight because I have had several instances sitting on a connection that TSA has called me out to the front of the airport to re inspect my firearm. The TSA locks I ordered showed up 10 minutes after I left home. I did use Air tags in each piece of baggage for peace of mind and was very nice to see exactly where my bags were.

Check in at Chicago went smoothly. Declare both the firearm and ammunition and fill out the paperwork. Some of the confusion was that I had heard from some people they did not pick up there checked baggage/ firearm in Toronto and others said they did. The air canada agent informed me I would have to pick up both pieces of checked baggage again and re check them after customs.

Arrival into Toronto went very smoothly. Declare to immigration you have a firearm and ammo to declare and they will tell you where to go. Went down to baggage claim and walked right to baggage service to check where my bags were. My rifle was in oversized baggage behind the baggage service counter. The desk agent told me that was not suppose of be there but let me grab it and told me my bag was on carousel 9. I picked up both pieces and proceeded into customs. The desk agent was very friendly. Have all of your paperwork in order and they will be great to work with. She said this was only her second firearm she had checked but got me through customs within 20 minutes. After I paid the $25 fee to customs for the firearm they sent me back to Air canada to re check my baggage. New Dec forms needed to be filled out and the bags needed to be re tagged and checked. Back through security and to my gate. I had a 4 hr layover. The entire process from de boarding the first flight to my connection departure gate was 2 hrs. I would say a minimum 3 hrs would be needed incase.

I'm staying at the holiday Inn deer lake. They do have a shuttle that was waiting at the airport for pickup. Hotel is nice and rooms are clean. Good hot breakfast in the morning and some coffee. There isn't much to do in Deer lake. I walked down to the beach and then up to the gas station to grab a 12er of bud light for some celebration beers if I'm successful. Dean has been telling me they have been seeing some giants out at trophy camp this past week.

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Feb 19, 2024
Good info, and glad it went well for you in Toronto. It did not go well for me with just a bow. There was quite a bit of discussion about whether my bow was a weapon or not, including chastising of United by Canada Customs for not pulling my bow off the plane in Toronto to be checked again. Then again when I checked it in the next morning. Initially they had me fill out a firearm form, but when I asked how to answer the gun/ammo related questions there was obvious confusion. Eventually it got worked out and it was not treated as a weapon and checked as regular oversize baggage. ( despite the issue the previous night)

It was pretty frustrating but got through it. If my layover was less than 4hrs I would have missed my flight.

Good luck to you, I wish I was there again right now!
Dec 28, 2015
Made it into camp late yesterday evening. Was a long day of sitting around and waiting for the beaver. They have several big bulls located. After we flew into camp we had about 30 minutes of daylight and I actually glassed a nice but about 2 miles from camp. Rutting good. Should be a good

Camp is great. Just what i was looking for. Very rustic and remote yet they are running starlink. week

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Dec 28, 2015
Here we go.
Day 1.
My guide is shane. He's 35 and I'm 34. Prefect. Shane tells me he has been seeing a great bull way back in the valley from camp but the last 2 weeks they had bowhunters in camp that just couldn't get close enough due to all the cows around the bull.

We head out a little before daylight in search of the giant. Not 20 minutes into the hunt we come across a nice bull with a line cow. The bull looked good enough to me. paddles. Long points. And 35+ inches wide. Shand just smiled and said we are passing and going after the bigger bull. I thought he was nut but trust the guide.

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Dec 28, 2015
We continue down the valley for about and hour and a half until be are in the big bulls area. Immediately we spot a cow 200 yds from us on our side of the river. Good sign. Shane then just smiles and tells me a certain spot to look across the valley. The big bull was standing 900 yds looking across the valley at us. He starts heading left after a few cows and we start our stalk. We had to make our way down the river and cut right to get the wind in our favor. I was honestly thinking we wouldn't find him with how thick it was. Several hills and cuts were also in this part of the valley. About and hour into the stalk both of us look at each other. We could feel the wind on the back of our necks. Wind switched. As we're were whispering on what to do the bull and his cows burst out of the cut bellow us. There was no time for a range. We just guessed around 250. In a panic the sticks went up. I rushed the first shot and didn't hear a report back. Miss. Put another on in the chamber and shoot again. Hear the report and Shane laughs and says buddy you just got a giant. Bull went down with a heart shot.

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Dec 28, 2015
We slowly made our way over to the bull. I was in disbelief. This bull was better than anything I could have expected. Double brows. Dark horns. Long points. Mass and big paddles. I would have been extremely happy with that first bull but the old expression goes TRUST THE GUIDE.

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Dec 28, 2015
Shane made quick work butchering and de boning the meat. As we sit there we glassed several other bulls and cows in the valley. This place is incredible.

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