Hunting partner wanted for BC black bear


Jan 25, 2024
West Michigan
I'm hoping to book a bear hunt for spring '25 with Wolverine Range Outfitters. (Wolverine Range Outfitters | Chuchi Lake, BC Canada | Hunting)

The 1-on-1 price for the inland black bear is $5000, but I'd much rather pay the 2-on-1 cost of $3500 per hunter, so I'm searching for a bear buddy.

I'll be bowhunting, but I don't see any reason why I couldn't pair up with a rifle hunter if that's your cup of tea. If Pedro Ampuero can do it, why can't I?

I have total flexibility with dates. Chime in below if you're interested!
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Jan 25, 2024
West Michigan
Who shoots first?
A necessary discussion! The answer to that depends on. . . well - it depends on ALL the things.

If the Blind Squirrel and I were hunting together, we'd first figure out what tool everyone is using. If BS is carrying a 300 Win Mag, while I'm carrying a compound bow, then I would take priority on a bear that I could get closer to, while I'm happy to sit back and watch while you get into position on the 300 yard shots. If we're carrying weapons with more similar effective range, maybe we just take turns on bears.

We'd also have to discuss what we're each after. Are you holding out for a trophy 19.5 inch skull, or are you happy to fill the freezer? Personally, I really want the hide of a color phase bear, so I would be happier shooting a smaller blond, brown, or cinnamon than a larger blackie.

In the end, the answer is just 'whatever works out best' for two reasonable people to have fun and maximize their chances for success. No rocket surgery required!