A few more thoughts on your opening post.
I would approach hunting an open wooded area based on how the deer are using it.
If it is an area they are just passing through, feeding a little along the way, it is going to be tougher to hunt with a bow. Deer in wide open areas tend to wander over a wider area, as opposed to staying on or near a specific trail. With deer wandering over a wide area, things become much more random. Your odds of a shot go down considerably. You are going to need to find a spot that more predictable brings the deer within bow range. This might mean hunting another location.
What I would do is get in there early in the morning, hunt it, but from a vantage point where you could see as much as possible. Stay on post watching the area, all day. Deer may not stay tight on a specific trail in open areas, but they are creatures of habit. They will most likely move along the same general direction/path. If you can determine this route(s), it significantly improves your odds if you can set up along it. Mark where they are coming from and going to. You may be able to locate a more specific spot deer are consistently passing by, or discover a trail the deer are honoring more closely. It will be easier to do by observation than looking for sign on the ground. Sign on the ground is likely going to be more spread out. Why stir the place up walking around if you can get all the data you need from observation.
Try to determine if there is a central area, as an example, several large trees concentrating the acorns/feed to a more specific location. If it is where the deer want to be. It is where you should be. Or along the route the deer will take to get there.