Aug 6, 2022 #1 M mule man Lil-Rokslider Joined Jul 28, 2015 Messages 122 Anyone hunt deer there recently? How was your experience? Trying to decide if we should give it a go in Oct.
Anyone hunt deer there recently? How was your experience? Trying to decide if we should give it a go in Oct.
Aug 7, 2022 #2 M Mykolaivka887 WKR Joined Jan 15, 2022 Messages 1,767 Pick your campsite well, because you'll want to block the wind. You'll be completely exposed on that island.
Pick your campsite well, because you'll want to block the wind. You'll be completely exposed on that island.
Aug 7, 2022 Thread Starter #3 OP M mule man Lil-Rokslider Joined Jul 28, 2015 Messages 122 I have heard that. Are the deer populations strong enough? I read the long range hunting has really hurt the deer numbers since they dont have any cover? Do you think this accurate?
I have heard that. Are the deer populations strong enough? I read the long range hunting has really hurt the deer numbers since they dont have any cover? Do you think this accurate?
Sep 8, 2022 #5 A akwchil FNG Joined Mar 21, 2014 Messages 18 I have been there a few times and I would second what Mykolaivka887 said... It can be pretty miserable, expensive and overall the deer are smaller. With that said if you can get a good drop on the southern side of the island it's generally a pretty decent hunt.
I have been there a few times and I would second what Mykolaivka887 said... It can be pretty miserable, expensive and overall the deer are smaller. With that said if you can get a good drop on the southern side of the island it's generally a pretty decent hunt.