Hunting in posion oak


Sep 30, 2013
I found some good turkey hunting but the poison oak is thick. I make it threw 2 days with no problem but I know my time is coming. I washed well with technu and towel each day and that may have helped.

What do others do? I did use gators to try to keep it off my legs. Now I have to clean them somehow.

Do thicker pants like carharts work better? I was thinking of using rain pants but I think it would be to hot. I am going to take my 8 year old and I do not want to make this a bad thing for him. He is on the fence about hinting but said he realy wants to go turkey uniting with me. So I am more worried about him
The oil is just an oil/grease. SCRUB HEAVILY with any good soap and you'll be fine. Keep a change of clothes at the truck and throw the hunting clothes in a bag and wash both sets as soon as you get home. Lots of YouTube videos out there.

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I have not had any lucky at all with tecnu. It depends on if you’re sensitive to poison oak or hyper sensitive. The hyper sensitive type like myself can get a little bit on their arm and then the next day there is a rash anywhere that you sweat a lot. I have had good luck with rain gear as uncomfortable as it is.

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I've had good luck following a similar protocol as in the above video. I use comet or dish soap and wash several times. Nothing more than very small spots that go away in a day or so.

One thing I've always heard, but that is contradicted in the video is that the oil is only potent for a couple weeks. Maybe that's an old wives tale?
You must really enjoy turkey hunting to take that risk. I stay far away from that stuff.
I haven't hunted around it too much but a river I fish here in CA is infested with it. some good advise already given. I keep my arms and legs covered and after six or seven hours of fishing it's straight back to the cabin for a hot shower and several washes. I use Fels-Naptha and regular soap but I don't think the product maters nearly as much as getting it washed as soon as possible. The times I've paid the price is when we screwed around too long before showering.