Hunting heroes

May 6, 2012
In my church service yesterday, the message was about Heroes. It was a great message, but it got me thinking about hunting heroes. A hero can many different things to many different people. I was raised by a single mom and my uncle got me into hunting and fishing. He spent every minute he could with me and carried the outdoors tradition to me when he did not have that responsibility. He could have spent that time by his self. So, to me, "Uncle Jerry" is my hunting hero. A VERY successful hunter in his own right !

I also have a tremendous amount of respect for Fred Bear and Chuck Adams.

So, Who is your hunting hero? Who deserves this honor in your mind? This is to all of you heroes out there that keep this sport alive!!!
Fred Bear, Glenn St. Charles and Jack Frost for paving the way; and Fred Eichler for his attitude that any bow kill is a trophy.
Hero is a strong word for any celebrity person I have very little knowledge about. Celebrity wise, Chuck Adams really opened the media and print to a lot of people and organizations. I have met Cam a couple of times and nice enough, but no hero in my book.

Hero, my grandfather who told me a thousand times I would never kill anything with that stick and string. He was a die hard rifle hunter and killed hundreds of animals in his day, which in the 1920's to 1940's, there were plenty of animals to hunt. Once he passed, I received one of his bigger sets of elk antlers from Idaho and now have them proudly displayed in my office at home. He is my hero, hunting and personally. Tough as nails and true to his word. I always think of him when I am punching a tag with my bow and how I believe he would be proud.
My father is my only hunting hero, I repect many but the old man taught me everything and instilled this passion I have for the outdoors in me.
Hero's not many but people I deeply respect is a few . Cam Hanes is one he is a driven soul and rubs off on anything he touches. Another is Wayne Endicott of the bow rack he is stone cold killer. Chuck Adams, Jim shockey, Waddell for his ability to shoot in crunch time is awesome . Fred bear for his pioneering ways and a few more !
Mine would have to be jack oconner for the love of sheep and wild places and then David long for showing that regular guys who are dedicated can consistently harvest big Muleys in the alpine. Also cam for his writings and passion to raise the bar.
My father for bringing me up hunting and fishing, and teaching me how to be a man. I also admire and am inspired by several people on this site. David Long, for his passion, attitude and drive. Aaron Snyder for his physical and mental toughness, and I appreciate his honest and simple gear reviews. Jared Bloomgren, even though I know very little about him, after reading stories of some of his hunts, he sets an example to follow. I also admire Luke and Becca Moffat, for enjoying each other enough to go on so many adventures together. Every one on this site, well known names, celebrities and average people alike, are always helpful, kind and friendly.
My father and my grandfather! I have seen my grand-father pull of things hunting that have made everyone's jaws drop. He "knows his limitations" and with a shotgun...I can only hope to be where I have seen him at. My great-grandfather wasn't a hunter but my grandfather became interested as a youth and began picking up anything and everything related to hunting growing up and teaching himself. He passed his knowledge and love for the outdoors on to his younger brother and four sons. My father got my younger brother and I involved in outdoor sports and activities at a very young age.

We grew up playing "guns", which basically consisted of my younger brother and I running around in the woods trying to find dad and yelling "BANG" as we ran and scattered to the four winds to hide from him :) Until later we started ambushing him and getting the upper hand. Between Boy Scouts ( both of us are EAGLE Scouts ) and sports, hunting was a priority. Once we both were legal to carry our own firearms every weekend during season ( upland and big game ) we were out running the dogs for pheasant and quail or looking for that Monster Prairie Monarch.

My father got the two of us involved in competitive rifle shooting and that alone has been the biggest driving force in my life. I shot through high school getting a full ride athletic scholarship to college and eventually an offer to move to Colorado Springs to train with the USA Rifle Team. Along the way picking up a "part-time" job as a bow mechanic and now here I am.

So my father and grandfather are my heros. they have taught me the skills and crafts of being an outdoorsman. They fueled my passion and love for the being outdoors and they are who I look to call for guidance, advice, and positive reinforcement when things aren't going my way or I am simply getting the snot kicked out of me by the game I am chasing.

Thank you dad and granddad!!