Hunting experience with Limbdriver Pro V


Feb 29, 2012
I just bought an Impulse 31 and the shop talked me into a Limbdriver Pro V. I am used to the QAD Ultra HDX. I see the benefit of the rest but I am curious about issues people may have had with the noise from the arrow hitting the shelf/riser on let down. I am afraid I will find myself in a situation where I am stalking a deer or calling elk in and I draw and the shot is not presented and I let down and spook the animal. What are your thoughts?
Cut a piece of 1/8 neoprene to cover the shelf, it will prevent noise and it looks good when it done right.
If I do keep it I will buy the Limbdriver shelf pad. I will also try the felt on the rest itself. I am just used to my QAD being near silent. Thanks.
I use this rest and did what was mentioned above, i used cheap adhesive backed felt you find at craft stores.
Good rest, but you want to be sure you don't have the cord going up to your limb TOO tight... otherwise that V bar being smashed into that rubber dampening pad can actually start to stick and keep the V from coming up. You don't want to have to find that out the hard way!
I've had one on my bow for a few years. With felt and the little rubber v that comes with it. I've killed several critters with it
Has the lack of containment ever blown a stalk for you guys? I am just not warming up to this rest and I am considering going back to my QAD. I am not thrilled with my arrow just flopping around.
Containment is good.......had an arrow come off a Trophy Taker Shakey Hunter years ago that cost me a chance at a P&Y whitetail. No such issues with the Rip Cords I've shot since.
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It looks to me like the good arrow pads could cause vane clearance issues. Felt or neoprene pads will, no doubt, quite it down but the arrow will still be flopping around.
Zoom into the front of my shelf, i put a felt strip there and never had a noise issue as far as the arrow bang n around. The rest did seem a little louder upon release compared to the QAD. I ran off the top limb no issue .Look into a Trophy taker smackdown pro i loved that rest
I'm just going to go get some felt and try it a little prior to tuning. I also ordered a QAD Ultra.
A little late on this but I use moleskin on my bow with the limb driver. Cut a piece to fit the riser and it works well. As far as stalking goes I got in the habit of holding the arrow on the rest with my index finger.
I removed it. I will stick with my Ultra HDX. The bow is just as accurate and better containment for arrows.
This may come off as a dumb question, but in what scenario would the difference in containment between the two rests be a benefit? Short of holding the bow upside down, I am not sure I see a practical difference.
Because when you let the bow down the Limbdriver will scare everything within a mile away. I refuse to put bandaids on my bow just to fix a problem that does not exist with other rests. I think the Limbdriver is a great rest but it is not for me. I have been in several situations where I drew my bow and the shot did not present itself. I had to let the bow down and rest a second and draw the bow again. With the QAD this is no problem with the Limbdriver it is too noisy. You could, as others have, put felt or moleskin all over the shelf but I would rather just use the QAD. It will be QAD for me the season. I appreciate all the help and suggestions.
This noise that can be heard for a mile is the same one (albeit from a reverse motion) that you would need to mitigate in the event you ever drew with the QAD without pre-cocking it - no?