Hunting Etiquette

JNDEER, truer words have never been spoken! Showing aloha, learning, listening, and being cautious are probably the greatest tips for hunting on Moloka'i, that's for sure...

In answer to your question, I did get to go hunting after all, and I am happy to say that I was able to harvest more than one deer. I made a lot of mistakes, but I learned an incredible amount in a short time, and I plan to take the lessons learned with me into future hunting adventures. I harvested these deer on the west end, but I do hope to challenge myself to some east end hunting on public land next.

I am beyond grateful for everyone's advice and support on Rokslide. It really has been life-changing!

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(I learned what ground shrinkage was from you fine folks after I shot this fawn thinking that it was a full-sized doe when I was looking at it through my scope!)

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(I thought this was a beautiful doe, and I am very grateful to have a taxidermist working on the hide for me. I shot this deer at 41 yards! I feel like this would be a great place for bowhunting, honestly.)

That is awesome - congratulations!

As an invasive species shooting big or small helps the local ecosystem. They all eat well.
Thanks for the reminder -- and your support! I apprecate it!
Congratulations Ashley. That's awesome you harvested two.

I'll throw my two cents in on the original topic as well. With those being invasive species, some landowners may just appreciate your help in taking some off the land. And a dozen cookies could be appreciated for a gift. I have a buddy with land that I bird hunt and I bring his wife a fancy coffee in an insulated mugs that I pick up on my way out of town.

You love in an awesome place. I've never been on the island but have flown over and around in an airplane when I've been on Maui. Those sea cliffs are amazing! Hopefully you've seen them by plane or boat.
Congratulations Ashley. That's awesome you harvested two.

I'll throw my two cents in on the original topic as well. With those being invasive species, some landowners may just appreciate your help in taking some off the land. And a dozen cookies could be appreciated for a gift. I have a buddy with land that I bird hunt and I bring his wife a fancy coffee in an insulated mugs that I pick up on my way out of town.

You love in an awesome place. I've never been on the island but have flown over and around in an airplane when I've been on Maui. Those sea cliffs are amazing! Hopefully you've seen them by plane or boat.
Thanks for your kind response, 2ski, and for your perspective, too! I really appreciate you taking the time to share!

You'll definitely have to visit the island someday, if you ever have the chance. I used to hike those sea cliffs (up and down) every week for a year, but nothing beats the aerial view of them from a small plane. I do hope to take a boat on the north shore there someday!