Hunting Etiquette. 2 tags 1 week of hunting.

Don’t do it…..

Been there….

One of you draws this year and one of you draws next year.

It’s the best way.

PS: draw second

There is absolutely no way I’m completely sitting out an entire hunting season. This is crazy to me.

My partner and I apply as a group every year, we both get a tag, or no one gets a tag. (We have plan A, B, C is place, never don’t get a tag).

As long as you have a good agreement in place and neither of you a greedy/jealous assholes, splitting time isn’t a bad deal.

Calling in a huge bull and watching your buddy whack it is just as satisfying as shooting one.
I love going along for the camping trip when someone else has a tag. If everyone has tags, I hunt solo from camp. Nonresident tags are too pricey for me to justify otherwise.
If you're doing Mzldr or rifle I don't see any reason to hunt together (unless you just really want to). Why not split up & cover more territory?
Stay in the same camp and each hunt solo until someone fills a tag and then team up.
This is the way the guys I hunt with have generally done it. If we happen to be together when a shooting situation arises, whoever has the first good opportunity usually gets the shot.
How many elk have you both killed? If only one has killed then the one who hasn't gets first go. If you both have killed elk then then whoever killed the last elk goes second. Then alternate.

But if the shooter is setup where they have no shot and the other has a shot, take it. An elk on the ground is better than no elk on the ground. You can argue about it later.