Hunting Ethics


May 29, 2019
I literally stated later on in the thread that despite what the yahoos said I still tracked the bull to the edge of private. Just called the landowner last night. Won't let me on to look. You assume and do not read. You already have your mind made up on what happened in this situation and what you think about me as a hunter. That's fine, you're wrong but that's your opinion. Not going to try and change that.
I think you said you chatted with the warden and he said that the landowner would deny you?

That sucks. I wonder why he does that if that's the case. More curious than anything.

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Jan 28, 2018
N.E Ohio
I don’t think asking another hunter to wait an hour for a wounded animal is unreasonable, they do unfortunately have the right to go after their desired game. Waiting an hour is I think the minimum for elk, we shot a bull at a ranged 425yds with a 300wsm it was a perfect shot, bull ran 10 yds into short pines and blowdown was only able to see him when he would pick his head up with our spotter. Half hour later he stands up takes 10-15 steps ( couldn’t get a shot) and lays back down now we can see his head and neck and watch him breathing out blood spray in every breath at just over an hour we watched him tip over dead in the spotter. When we get to him his whole boiler room was GONE they are the toughest animals I’ve ever harvested. Arrows may dispatch them quicker but I have no experience in archery elk hunting