I'm brand new to reloading but should receive my Wilson dies tomorrow! Reloading for a brand new Weatherby Mark V .280 AI and looking for bullet recommendations for antelope, mule deer and elk. I have a .280 Rem and have a case of Norma Oryx ammo and have been saving the brass, which has now been cleaned and deprimed. I have a pound of IMR 4350, a few hundred Federal 210 primers and 50 Nosler 120gr ballistic tips. My plan is to reload the .280 Rem brass with the 120gr Noslers and fireform some .280 ai brass, then work up some hunting loads with different bullet sample packs. So far I have a 12 pack of Hornady 150 gr ELD-X and a 12 pack of Barnes 145gr LRX. Any other bullet recommendations for me to try? I'm snatching bullet sample packs up as they come back into stock.