Huge cuts to AZ OTC

I'm quite literally brand new here. And actually this is literally my second season hunting. Personally hunting, not tag along. Archery and solo.
Here's the rub: I've lived here the best part of 26 years. I've never hunted here until last year. Due to good friends a great experience while living in another state. I too have been victim of the "social media hunters". Specifically Rinella. I absolutely think he is a huge conservation guy and haven't personally seen him do any of the stuff that outfitters and the such do. In fact, I saw Eastman's fresh track circa 2000-ish give better details on the hunt areas, specifically 22, which was a kick in the knackers for me. So it is not all of them guys.

My point being that I 100% agree with pretty much all of you. I am STOKED cameras are getting eliminated, I wish the governor tags and outfitters would hit the bricks too. More often than not I have run in to hunters, even while camping with my family. So I switched things up this year, Not even heeding GFD advise and got in to deer just last weekend scouting. Based on things I've read and an ultimate gut feeling on where I think deer should be.
I was disappointed 24b is whitetail only this year for Dec. But if it's population control, all this sh-t is necessary, however I don't believe residents should be punished (if you could call it that) before non-residents.
I do have a question though: why does anyone thing OTC will go away completely?
I would be sorely disappointed.
I do have a question though: why does anyone thing OTC will go away completely?
I would be sorely disappointed.
Under the current management plan when a units archery harvest hits 20% of the total harvest it goes to the draw or has seasons cut. We’re currently watching it snowball. An increasing number of hunters each year are hunting a decreasing number of units.
Under the current management plan when a units archery harvest hits 20% of the total harvest it goes to the draw or has seasons cut. We’re currently watching it snowball. An increasing number of hunters each year are hunting a decreasing number of units.

That is most unfortunate.
For me, I may not have ever seriously gotten in to bow hunting as passionately as I have if it weren't for OTC.
Hopefully, just like all the californians littering my state, it's just a fad that burns out quick.
This is what happens when you have social media personalities relentlessly pump AZ OTC opportunities...
You hit the nail on the head there man. All the closing of a few units will lead to the closing of all units. All it will do is push all the hunters into the remaining open units and by this time next year it will be draw only in AZ
How many are actually upset versus those who are upset that they may no longer be able to build points for the Strip while still hunting and killing deer every year?
I feel offended 😂 but really I strictly bow hunt here in AZ and have been taking advantage of it being over the counter and allowing me to hunt close to home 3 times a year, and in the mean time I’ve built up 12 points for the strip hoping I was getting close to an archery tag. So if they do change it to a draw only it will completely mess everything up. Can’t have everything I guess lol
I feel offended 😂 but really I strictly bow hunt here in AZ and have been taking advantage of it being over the counter and allowing me to hunt close to home 3 times a year, and in the mean time I’ve built up 12 points for the strip hoping I was getting close to an archery tag. So if they do change it to a draw only it will completely mess everything up. Can’t have everything I guess lol

100% how I feel. I bowhunt 8 plus units every year... that is now gone. I'm in the same boat for the strip and will not burn my points. Another point that isn't talked about is these changes will change a lot of bowhunters attitude about holding out for a better buck. Bowhunters are now gonna fill their tags on bucks they normally wouldn't shoot. Ed F
100% how I feel. I bowhunt 8 plus units every year... that is now gone. I'm in the same boat for the strip and will not burn my points. Another point that isn't talked about is these changes will change a lot of bowhunters attitude about holding out for a better buck. Bowhunters are now gonna fill their tags on bucks they normally wouldn't shoot. Ed F
I think you're talking about a very small % of hunters. My experience with AZ OTC is guys are stacking anything with horns. I passed 5 or so bucks last yr and people looked at me like I was crazy. I also didnt end up killing a buck, so they may have a point...
So to update this thread, the AZGFD recently uploaded the proposed guidelines for the next 5 years (2023-28). They seem to be targeting higher success rates for standard management unit rifle hunts (see page 10 for mule deer and page 12 for coues) and for OTC deer moving forward with the harvest threshold approach (pages 12-13).

If I understand correctly, they initially will have draw archery mule deer in 3A/3C, 12A, 12B, 13A, 13B, and 17A and OTC everywhere else: “all mule deer units not listed above as archery draw units and all white-tailed deer units may be offered in January, August-September, and/or December, and each unit or grouping of units will have a harvest limit (harvest threshold) established.” (I assume 11M was an oversight and will stay a draw hunt.)

If the units get hammered early and meet the quota too quickly they plan to use the same strategy of reducing season length and then moving to draw. They are still shooting for about 20% harvest by archery (except metro units and units without centerfire hunts like 3B and 15)

And this is all with the caveat that OTC remains the status quo until the department is ready with the reporting system and rules in place for it to all work
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