Hoyt RX-9 ultra 80 lbs

I’d have thought with your specs you’d be at 310.
My arrow and DL are same as yours and I’m getting 306 with RX-8 80 lb. Wasn’t the average increase to be 18fps?

Were you using a decent chrono?

It was a Garmin Xero at the bow shop. I'll validate the draw weight at home (the shop was supposed to set at 75#, and it felt about right) and shoot it through my chrono.
Personally, I have the RX8 Ultra, and with the RX9 and my draw length (30.5), I gain about 2 FPS over the RX8. It would be great, at least in my opinion if Hoyt Made their bows more tuneable next year as the speed improvements don't really seem to be there. Especially when I can buy the new Gas X bowstrings and get the same speed improvements out of my RX8.
I’d have thought with your specs you’d be at 310.
My arrow and DL are same as yours and I’m getting 306 with RX-8 80 lb. Wasn’t the average increase to be 18fps?

Were you using a decent chrono?

It was a Garmin Xero at the bow shop. I'll validate the draw weight at home (the shop was supposed to set at 75#, and it felt about right) and shoot it through my chrono.

Update - I verified the draw weight at 75# and changed the letoff from 85% (I incorrectly said the shop set it at 75% in my original post) to 80%. Shot it through my chrono and it is at 299 fps.

My previous Ventum 33 was shooting 483 grain arrows at 279 fps with all other specs the same, so it's shooting faster but likely not the 18fps or whatever was quoted. Regardless, it shoots like a dream and is a nice upgrade for me. Sounds like your RX-8 is shooting darts, and probably wouldn't be worth it for you.
I just got my Rx9 Ultra. I gain 19fps compared to my Rx7 Ultra at 82lbs 30.5” draw. Definitely a stiffer draw but I’m getting used to it!
I picked mine up yesterday, have it pulling 75# right now. With a 450 grain arrow and 29.5" draw length I'm around 296 fps (the shop set it up at 85% let off, I'll change it to 80%). I'm glad to see the speed, my draw length was right at the bottom of the mod with my previous Hoyt which came with a speed penalty.

It's shooting bullet holes, but I was under spined with my 300s. Had to cut them down an inch or so, and took some weight out of the insert to get it shooting perfect.
I’m running mine at 80lbs 29.5” draw and black eagle x-impacts 425grain and I shot it through the chronograph 6 times with an average at 325fps highest was 330fps.
Rx9 ultra 75# 29.5 85 let off 450 grain arrow. 302 on a garmin. A lil stiffer than the rx8 draw but still feels smooth . If you're looking for super smooth draw the 8 can't be beat in my opinion . The 9 is a great bow with a more speed .