Howa 1500 Superlite questions


Oct 22, 2018
Littleton, CO
I picked up a super lite in 6.5 CM.

I have some Warns on order and will be putting a 3-9 SWFA on it.

Had a few questions.

1. What is the torque settings on the action screws? I emailed Howa and never heard back.

2. Has anyone used a Thunderbeast cb suppressor mount on their thin barrel? I think there is enough shoulder there for the mount…

3. The back of the stock seems super thin. Is cracking an issue and would that be covered under warranty?

When I get some rounds through it I’ll update this thread. Thanks!
Called Howa. 35”lbs on the action screws. Mounted the cb brake and the tally rings.

Gonna shoot it sometime in the next few weeks.
First post sorry been lurking a while now but purchased a super lite from davidsons and your concerns about the stock are an issue with mine at least. First trip to the range the recoil pad base sank into the cavity of the stock I unscrewed it to pull it back out and let the base of the recoil pad sit against the shoulders of the stock it’s held in by some spray foam and extra thin little wafer of carbon/plastic washer I screwed it back in making sure the pad rested against outside of the stock second range trip today same problem anyone else and what’s the fix I hate to send it back it’s a great shooter


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First post sorry been lurking a while now but purchased a super lite from davidsons and your concerns about the stock are an issue with mine at least. First trip to the range the recoil pad base sank into the cavity of the stock I unscrewed it to pull it back out and let the base of the recoil pad sit against the shoulders of the stock it’s held in by some spray foam and extra thin little wafer of carbon/plastic washer I screwed it back in making sure the pad rested against outside of the stock second range trip today same problem anyone else and what’s the fix I hate to send it back it’s a great shooter
That stock looks horrible, i would be sending it back.
Contacted legacy today and upon arriving back home this evening I emailed them the requested proof of purchase and pictures and it seems as though they have already sent out a new stock headed my direction will definitely keep you all posted on what happens.
First post sorry been lurking a while now but purchased a super lite from davidsons and your concerns about the stock are an issue with mine at least. First trip to the range the recoil pad base sank into the cavity of the stock I unscrewed it to pull it back out and let the base of the recoil pad sit against the shoulders of the stock it’s held in by some spray foam and extra thin little wafer of carbon/plastic washer I screwed it back in making sure the pad rested against outside of the stock second range trip today same problem anyone else and what’s the fix I hate to send it back it’s a great shooter
Wow, what a piece of chitt. I guess guns are getting disposable lIke appliances.
Contacted legacy today and upon arriving back home this evening I emailed them the requested proof of purchase and pictures and it seems as though they have already sent out a new stock headed my direction will definitely keep you all posted on what happens.
Has there been any progress on this? Thinking about picking one of these up but since the stocks seem like a not uncommon issue would like to know i could get it fixed if I’m unlucky.
I’m still waiting on a replacement stock since January I reached out again a couple weeks ago and the shipping or warehouse department one has not picked and shipped anything the gentleman I’ve been dealing with was going to reach out to them and try and get the ball rolling again he stated they had some of the stocks available in their warehouse….. in fact I will shoot him another email now
I think @Stockys makes those stocks for Howa. Any warranty replacement will probably have to go throught howa/legacy but maybe stockys can chime in, they are generally extremely helpful.
You’re correct I thought about going to them to try and skip the middle man, also the stock that came in mine is kind of a rare sponge pattern due to it being the cerakoted edition from Davidson’s. Ultimately I think legacy/howa should be the one to eat the green on this one but honestly I’d like to have my rifle back shootable at this point it’s been good weather for load development and I hate to go through all that with a busted stock then again it might be an interesting torture test as well 😂
You’re correct I thought about going to them to try and skip the middle man, also the stock that came in mine is kind of a rare sponge pattern due to it being the cerakoted edition from Davidson’s. Ultimately I think legacy/howa should be the one to eat the green on this one but honestly I’d like to have my rifle back shootable at this point it’s been good weather for load development and I hate to go through all that with a busted stock then again it might be an interesting torture test as well 😂
Sending you a PM
Congrats on your purchase. I just picked one up in .308. I searched google and 35 inch/bs is the answer I found/use. Mine had to have the barrel channel opened up with a dowel and sand paper to free float. The recess for the bolt handle had to be opened up also to allow the bolt to close fully. It seems to shoot well, I am having a hard time shooting such a light rifle so far but continue to practice. I have noticed the thin barrel starts throwing flyers after 2 rounds. When I take 10 min between shots to allow her to cool it seems to fix the flyer issue. It is so light it feels unnerving, I am used to my tikka T3x. I think once I utilize its greatest strength of being low weight it will grow on me, that being the when I'm hiking all day. At the range there is no real benefit. Just a light janky feeling rifle that heats up fast lol
I got a deal on 10 boxes of Core-lokt 180 grainers which seems a bit much but they group well and the price was right. This is my first post on this site, I hope the info I have shared helps 8)
I apologize to everyone I honestly thought I had updated this thread. @Ferrulewax thank you for tagging @Stockys they reached out immediately, and were willing to replace the rifle stock out of their inventory even though they didn’t have my special pattern available they offered to ship a pattern of my choice. Before I could decide on a pattern I honestly feel they reached out to legacy/Howa because a few days later I had a new one shipped and on my doorstep a few days after that. Nothing but positive things to say about stockys and the new stock is holding up great so far. I still haven’t played around with hand loads but it loves federal premium 168gr bergers and even 165 fusions are putting up impressive groups.