30'ish year old Howa 1500 7mm barreled action

Burnt Reynolds

May 29, 2015
Silverton, OR
This was my late father's rifle that we both hunted. It's killed a pile of Roosevelts and blacktails. My first two Rosies actually. 150gr Corelokt ftw!
Anyhow, in 2018 I pitched the stock and handed off the barreled action, bottom metal and a Bartlein 10 twist quarter bore blank to my cousin who was a flourishing gun smith after 22 years in the Marine Corps. Fast forward to today and the rifle I wanted 6 years ago never got built due to shenanigans - a separate story altogether (short version: cousin chose wife poorly, divorce, stalking order, lost 2A rights, booted from his home, ex stole/sold his gunsmithing equipment, he was on hard times, finally won in court, ex went to jail, got his 2A rights back, found my bits tucked away that thief ex overlooked when he got his house back - this all took about 5.5 years).

I have my parts back finally. I have little interest in proceeding with my originally planned 257 wby mag project as I've moved through several cal's and rifles since and am set with my hunting guns now.

1) Is the Howa magnum action the same footprint as the Howa 1500 LA? I need to buy a stock for this and I'm undecided between trying out a chassis or calling up my go-to HS Precision. Lot's of options for the Howa LA but I can't find anything online that specifies magnum action fitment.
2) Reassemble as-is and see how it shoots?
3) Re-barrel to 7PRC?
4) Barrel selection impacts my stock selection somewhat.

I have a Leupold vx5hd 3-15 just sitting in the safe, also have a 10x swfa sitting in the safe - either being a decent stand-in which enables me to spend more on the other necessary components. I've never had a chassis gun and I'm chassis curious. Moreover, given that I'm happy with my armory as-is my thinking is that rather than have more hunting rifle overlap I would build something that's unique and more oriented to a dedicated target gun, thus I'm leaning towards trying a 7PRC chambering and listing the Bartlein for sale.

My main sticks are 30-06 and a 270. My thinking is perhaps I play with 150gr class projectiles in my '06, keep my 270 set as-is shooting bug holes with 129gr Barnes LRX then build the 7 to try and shoot 180 class projectiles at rocks and steel plates a long way away.

Anyone care to chime in with some thoughts?