howa 1500 and howa mini action torgue

I’m not sure I have issues or not. I’ve bedded a lot of 700 types and just never have the issue with torquing. Usually when I bed I add tape on the bottom front and sides of the lug. No relief anywhere else. From what I read you should tape the bottom of the lug on howa. Which makes sense with the screw on the lug. the last time I bedded this thing I left no relief at all. Anywhere other than the back of the tang. The only point of contact when I bedded this was the tape wrapped around the front of the barrel to give proper clearance. Otherwise the action was just set in the stock and just wrapped the action lightly with tape. When I go to torque the action screw either front or back I always have my thumb and index do finger on each side of the barrel rested against the Forbes of the stock. This allows me to really feel if anything is moving when torquing. No matter what I do I can feel some movement when torquing the screws. I don’t know how it is possible since there is no clearance between bottom of lug and bedding. The only thing that might help is to relieve the flat bottom part of the action and it some that could be the pivot point. I guess I’m not sure if pillars would help or if I’m just doing something wrong in the process. Here is a link to hereinaz instruction.

On a lighter note, I was able to shoot some 95 sierra hpbt matchkings this am. Shot at 200 yards as the 100 yard range was pretty full already. Used lever and varget. Was only 3 shot groups (I know) but going up with half grain increments to find pressure all groups across the board worth moa or less. Some groups half moa. Surely I have to test further and I usually to load dev at 600 yards, but I’m pretty confident that my rifle just doesn’t like the heavies I guess. Only issue with the sierra 95s is that there really isn’t a hollow point it’s all. It’s pretty much closed and comes to a point. I have to file it flat just to bore it out with a drill bit. Was hoping to use this load for deer youth season for my kids. I picked up some Berger 95 vlds to try. If they shoot as good as the sierra I’ll be happy. Would like to get my hands on some 95 tmks but they seem to be in attainable right now
Nate it sounds like your scenario is matching mine exactly. I did try some nosler 95 bts this morning and didn’t have a lot of luck. However I didn’t give a full effort. I have tried the 108 ELDM, 105 HPBT and the 95s. ive tried Leverevolution, varget and H4895. sometimes some combos show some promise then we i go to re check or shoot at distance it falls totally apart. just cant figure it out. ive been through 3 scopes as well. i just assumed it the inconstance has to do with the bedding or action torque. one problem i am having is getting enough powder in the case and not being terribly compressed. for instance 27.5 grains of varget is compressed pretty at 20 thou off lands. what is your COAL Base to Ogive? these long bullets are taking up alot of real estate. one other thing i noticed that seemed odd was when i im measuring OAL with the hornady guage, the bullet will stop but with slightly more pressure it till finally touch the lands. i cant see anything visually in the chamber with a bore scope so im wondering if there is carbon that is slightly casusing resistance of the bullet before it touches the lands? it does this with every bullet ive tried so far. i just picked up some 95 sierras to try and hopefully i can seat them farther out and maybe get more powder in. im also using starline brass and 205 primers. i anneal after every firing.
Looks like I’m at 1.740 bto with 2.335 coal. Berger 105 vld hunting