how to sell online info


Feb 13, 2025
Selling camping and hiking gear online. Does anyone have a good suggestion on a thread I can look up for selling stuff? I'm getting rid of a ton of backpacks I bought and never used, but never sold anything online before. So Id like to read up on the safest way how to do it.


Look at eBay for recently sold items to GAUGE the price. eBay can be high on selling prices. Use PayPal or Venmo for transfer of monies. Good luck
Credibility means everything. Dont expect to join any site and just start selling. Build up a good reputation and offer to refund the buyers money, including shipping if they are disappointed.
Be willing to prove you own the item by taking photos of it with a dated newspaper or other item the buyer asks for proof.
Patience, honesty, and be harsh when describing the condition of the item.
ebay is high on there cut of the sale. There is Mercari also for selling on-line.
For current selling items on amazon a person could list a used / new one for sale. ( Not sure if that is still an option on amazon, or what there fees are compared to ebay.)
Amazon comes with a very steep learning curve and being a new seller, you will be targeted by thieves whom amazon will side with every time. Fees are 15%

Ebay is a much better option because they provide seller protection from thieves, amazon does not. Fees are 13%