How to practice for the big moment???


Oct 18, 2021
Alright so I have a dilemma for all you professional shooters. I’m a decent shot when I’m at home practicing. Like softball sized groups at 70 yds. I’m heading out for elk in September, and I know from my whitetail hunting days that when that big buck/bull elk is standing in front of me it is waaayyyy different than shooting at a bag. I shoot with a diaphragm in, mew while at full draw, and practice all sorts of stuff like that. But what else could I be trying? Running to get my heart rate up? I feel like that’s different from the adrenaline dump when the animals come in range? Thanks guys for your advice
Add a shot timer.

A rifle drill the STH guys set up involves a few sets of shooting at different size targets standing, seated, and prone with different time internals. Could not directly adapt to a bow but maybe something like this.

Softball size targets set at 30, 50 and 70 yards.

One shot from preferred position at each untimed.

Start with pack on and bow how you carry it and get off one shot at each in one minute (total for all three shots).

Same as above but shoot from kneeling.

Same as above but spring 100 yards first.

Total possible score of 12 hits, keep practicing drill until you can consistently get 9/12.

It adds in stress, fatigue, and time limit. Not a perfect analog for hunting but adds something closer.

Want to up the stress? Start a thread here to post videos of this and post every attempt regardless of how good or bad it goes.
I will do a draw-hold-let down cycle enough times to where on my last draw, I can barely get my bow back, and that’s when I shoot and score my shots. I’ve found that’s a pretty good proxy for the adrenaline spike and dump if you have to let down and then immediately come to full draw again