How quiet clothing do we really need?

Like most things, it depends. When tracking whitetails in Michigan ,I want total silence. Tried my attack pant there but it was too "thwacky". So when I go there I have on either wool or fleece.
If sitting in stand for late season white tails anywhere. Try drawing on one at 12 yards on a dead still ,cold evening. Pants MIGHT not play a part here, but they very well may also if you need to crouch or touch your leg with a bow limb or whatever. But you need a totally silent jacket etc in this situation.
Out west it seems to rarely matter, bit I've been on a few close stalks where gaiter or pant legs screamed I'm here! With knee high brush or stiff grass it can matter for spot and stalk. But usually it's not a thing chasing elk etc.
Something I have been thinking about this year after I picked up a pair of those First Lite Guide Lite pants on Sierra this spring.
They are so loud! All my pants are quieter, but none qualify as "technical" - they're either heavy fleece or poly, which has been very quiet.
So my question is - has anyone been busted stalking by the brushing/swishing of their pants? Seems more likely you're busted by a twig snap.
For perspective, I am a NY guy so it's basically whitetail for me (with hope for bears) and I picked up the pants kind of "on spec" for future possible trips where lighter mass weight clothes might matter more.
You can keep them quiet enough when you need to… I have killed plenty of stuff at very close range wearing corrugates… there are quieter pants, but the corrugates have never caused me trouble

The only pants I have worn that seemed like a liability noise wise is rain gear… I can think of 2 times sneaking in on elk wearing rain pants when the rain had stopped and me taking them off on a hillside because I couldn’t be quiet with them.

On the other hand, while raining, I have killed a good amount of stuff in rain gear, if it’s raining they are quiet enough… if it clears up and calm, they can be noisy

I think there may be exceptions like sneaking through the willows for high country mule deer on a quiet day, but pant noise is mostly over blown
@roosiebull I think you're mostly right about sound. I sold those pants b/c I just didn't feel comfortable in them. Confidence matters a little! I feel so silent in my wool outer pants.
Maybe if I ever do a more back country hunt I'll be wishing I still had them as they were lighter and "better" than I what I have.