How much is a normal tip for your Guide?

so where do I start to tip and where do I stop to tip in the service industry?my auto mechanic is in the service industry he services my furnace repairman is in the service industry he services my lp guy services my plummer services my plugged appliance repairman is providing a service do I need to tip all these people 20 % of the bill?
I have been on both sides of this issue. As a customer, I agree that knowing what is expected is hard to guess, and awkward. As a guide, I appreciate any help with meeting expenses on hunts, but it is also awkward after spending virtually every waking hour together as hunting partners, to end feeling like an employee. Few if any guides are in a financial position close to their clients. The clients I have had so far have been amazingly generous, and also great folks to spend a week with. We hunt steep, remote public land, and provide an experience that would be difficult for them to do without the horses and logistics the outfitter provides. Maybe this gives us a different client profile than other outfits, but people don't seem to have a problem tipping
I applaud the effort by the person that started this thread- People that try to do the right thing are in general a joy to have as friends or clients. If you want more opinions, google it- every hunting site has a thread on this question.
The whole tipping thing is about as awkward as a fart in church. That is part of the reason I only go Self-guided.

Same here. I usually try to break something expensive on each trip just so I feel the sting of money leaving my wallet.

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Epic Outdoors just did a podcast on tipping. Good info from two guys who guide and have been on many guided hunts.

EP 98: Tipping Your Guide with Jason Carter and Adam Bronson

Summary - 10% is the base, 15% guide is happy, 20% is a great tip if the bust their tail for you.

This all adjust if things go wrong and if you guide is doing something irritating you day 1 tell him then instead of waiting until the end.

Sad part is them talking about sheep hunters with deep pockets who leave nothing at the end of the hunt.
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I'm maybe jumping to this party to late. I never in a million years would have thought after spending that kind of doe that I would have to put a tip on top of the huge expense. But does make sense and there is nothing wrong about helping a guide out or the cook.
My question is if there is no guide, just a drop camp. Basically a ride in and out and help hauling a elk out if I happen to get one. Is a person expected to tip for that service.
No I don't think that it is expected, I don't expect it, but it is appreciated lol. For drop camp type hunts like that when I have gotten tips the average was like 20 bucks a person or something each way, dropped 3 guys off at camp, they each gave us 20 bucks, so 60 dollars to go horseback riding and load gear was pretty awesome. Same on the pick up. But I don't expect it it's kind of a easy boring day and just part of the job.

I'm maybe jumping to this party to late. I never in a million years would have thought after spending that kind of doe that I would have to put a tip on top of the huge expense. But does make sense and there is nothing wrong about helping a guide out or the cook.
My question is if there is no guide, just a drop camp. Basically a ride in and out and help hauling a elk out if I happen to get one. Is a person expected to tip for that service.
We do a drop camp for deer every year. We always have a fire going and make something warm for our wranglers to eat when they pick us up. We tip $100 per deer if were successful, and $50 per person if were not. Sonthey make between $150 and $300 extra as this is a 3 person camp. They appreciate the hot meal more then the $ tip. We tend to get packed out in 12" of snow though.

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I have done several hunts over in Africa (must use a Professional hunter). As others have stated 10% of the hunt cost (day fee's in Africa) is solid number. If you feel the service, effort, etc was beyond that go for it. Have an guided archery elk hunt scheduled for next sept and assume 10% and have extra depending on the hunt and service.
just to add another question. Going on my first guided hunt with my teenage sons. Let's say you hunt cost 10k total for the 3 of us. Do you carry $1000-$1500 cash on you for 5-6 days?
just to add another question. Going on my first guided hunt with my teenage sons. Let's say you hunt cost 10k total for the 3 of us. Do you carry $1000-$1500 cash on you for 5-6 days?
Some states have an ATM machine behind every tree.
I'm maybe jumping to this party to late. I never in a million years would have thought after spending that kind of doe that I would have to put a tip on top of the huge expense. But does make sense and there is nothing wrong about helping a guide out or the cook.
My question is if there is no guide, just a drop camp. Basically a ride in and out and help hauling a elk out if I happen to get one. Is a person expected to tip for that service.

Seems reasonable to tip if they earn it. Had a bull packed out by a horse packing service in MT a couple years ago. They drove about 3 hours in the dark to meet me at trailhead at first light and got my elk out fairly early that saturday so I could drive from MT to CA sunday and be ready at the jobsite on monday morning. They did this without me having the cash on hand or the time to go to town and get it. Their good company, timeliness, and trust in me to hold up my end of the deal made them deserving of a nice tip.

Heck, i'll even give em a shout out here.

Please remember, everyone in camp including your Outfitter, guide, cook and wrangler will be putting in long hours and working hard to make your hunt the best it can be. Our staff is the best. Tipping of the staff by the clients is encouraged and greatly appreciated by our hard working staff! We recommend 10% of your hunt to your guide and $100 per hunter to the wrangler and cook, each. We appreciate your thoughtfulness.

I copied this directly from the website of the outfitter I’m going hunting with this September. It’s my first guided hunt.