How much do you worry about black bears in the backcountry?

Had a grizz jump on the trail, 15 yards in front of us, going up the mountain. It was snowing like crazy and just barely light enough to see. All is saw was his backside running up the trail. That was the first one I had ever seen one and he had my attention 100%. I'm not certain though, who was more concerned me or the horses. We waited a minute or two and then tried to start back up the trail, but the horses decided backing down was a better idea. After avoiding a complete wreck, everyone got on the same page and we found the big boy sitting back and watching us go by as he watched from the slide next to the trail. He was huge..

After that I haven't given black bears a second thought.
Good point dotman.... I do make sure camp is clean and bear bag is hung with the food and smelly stuff. The Glock on my side, helps me not give them a second thought.. :D
I love running into Black Bears in the back country, its just another opportunity to notch my tag! Have had some serious close encounters thou, taking one at about 15feet head on with my bow, that was a bit of a rush!
7 mag. Had the exact same experience in the Weminuche Wilderness with a deer nosing under my tent. Freaked me out thinking it was a bear. It took me a while to back to sleep that night. Generally, I don't worry about black bears too much and have several encounters each year with them. My closest call is when I had to swerve to avoid hitting one on my mountain bike flying down a trail. I'm so glad he zigged when I zagged or it may not have been a pleasant meeting:)
Hunting where I do I am literally ALWAYS in grizzly country and often in both black bear AND grizzly country as we have a fair population of both species up here. I grew up in Alaska and once I reached 13 my parents let my brother (then 11) wheeler 5-10 miles back behind the house and camp for several days. We ended up taking our first animal big game without dad (a tiny bull caribou but we were stoked) and packing it off the mountain 2 miles back to the wheelers for the 11 mile wheeler ride through the brush/alders/ and river crossings back to camp. Were my parent being reckless?? Maybe by lots of people standards, but we grew up wheelering and hunting with my dad from a very young age and he knew what we were capable of.

Bears are always around to some extent, I have a great respect for them and generally try to let them have their space (unless I am trying to harvest one ;) ). Have been bluff charged by a grizzly sow with yearling cubs on one occasion, floated past a brown bear sow with small cubs in our packrafts, and had a black bear come into camp and chew a hole in a few things while in camp. Bear encounters are just a function of how much time you spend in the outdoors, its not a question of if but when. However, being responsible and what not goes a long ways. I don't even think about bears when I go to sleep at night. Granted I'd get pretty excited if I woke up to a bear in camp no doubt, but the only one that has come into camp thus far I slept right through. :D
Not at all. I have been charged before with shanevg. Definatly was scary, but can is a rare occurance. They are generally much more scared of you than than most think, just keep a clean camp as said.

My bear spray is a 357 with hollow points...just say'n
I do but that isn't for animal protection. I carry a 10oz 380.

That is a really good idea. Ive thought the .380 would be a nice, lite way to bring some conventional warfare. I like having both options. FMJ I was thinking, maybe some self-defense rounds at the end?
Worst black bear encounter was dealing with my blue heeler who was ready to kill.

Worst grizzly encounter was finding out a guy got chomped on near a gut pile I left.

So far I'd rather deal with black bears any day over wild/semi-wild horses.
All depends on the area, in the wilderness area they will run at first sight. Around our cattle range a small town near by harbors a bunch of bears (at night) that bed on the hill we run on we have had two bears charge us(neither female) and others that just act aggressive. They lose their of fear and think they are the biggest baddest thing in the neighborhood your just another meal.

I always pack in the woods "I'd rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it"
That is a really good idea. Ive thought the .380 would be a nice, lite way to bring some conventional warfare. I like having both options. FMJ I was thinking, maybe some self-defense rounds at the end?

I just sold the little .380 so now i'll only have the spray. Saving up for an ultralite 44mag just because :) plus if I keep telling my wife big bad bears are everywhere she will want to have one when she comes on my scouting trip in July :) the wife part is a joke.
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