How much do you use a atv?

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Apr 13, 2012
I use mine as a shuttle vehicle all the time. I leave it next to the road, drive the truck to the other side and hunt in between. I have an area I hunt a lot this way. let's me cover more country in a day than if I had to go out and back. Works for multiple day hunts if you don't have someone to pick you up as well.


Feb 8, 2014
But even with horses you have to haul them to some place before riding them in. I'm sure you wouldn't ride it from town all the way to the trailhead just because you hate ATV's and lazy people. Does your buddy also break the legs of every horse he runs into while hunting? Riding a horse into the wilderness is as lazy as riding the ATV to the trailhead. But at least once at the trailhead the ATV rider is walking.

You make way too many assumptions. I'll just give you one example, and let the rest of them pass. I never said he was my buddy.

One thing forums are for is voicing our opinions. I'll continue to do that without your approval.


Oct 8, 2014
I use mine as a shuttle vehicle all the time. I leave it next to the road, drive the truck to the other side and hunt in between. I have an area I hunt a lot this way. let's me cover more country in a day than if I had to go out and back. Works for multiple day hunts if you don't have someone to pick you up as well.

I like this, good idea. I would probably end up locking the ATV to a tree or something for I just don't trust people.

*edit* I have to voice my .02 on horses added expense is having to board a horse and feed a horse and then special trailer too. For a lot of us we live in the city and having a horse isn't feasible or practical.


Mar 14, 2014
Central Ca
I used my quad last year, 3rd rifle, to get me in to the hunting area after a light snow then rain made the roads all but im-passable to most vehicles.
The quad is easy to access those snotty roads. One thing to prepare for is the cold of riding in pre-dawn, I have a large overcoat, gloves, hats and goggles that go over everything else I'm wearing, then stay on the quad when hiking, goggles keep the dust, snow and mud off the lenses!


Feb 27, 2012
I understood the question. We're just telling you what you might put up with from some hunters when you use an ATV. I know someone who hates them so bad he gives them flat tires everytime he finds one parked. Kind of extreme, but that's how he feels about it.

Wonder what he'd have to say if he hiked back to his vehicle and found his tires flat? I find that for the most part, people that make such statements are big on talk an little on action.


Feb 27, 2012
ATV riders may start with good intentions, but when they're tired, or in a rush. They just keep going. I've seen it way too many times.

I've seen people cutting trails to get their jeeps and trucks farther into wilderness areas to retrieve game too. More to do with a type of person than anything.... lazy slobs will be slobs no matter the mode of transportation.

CA Karen

Mar 17, 2014
So. CA.
I have used ATV's since the middle 90's to get to my hiking/backpacking off point, I hunt in Utah and there are tons of trails. One thing I have noticed that alot the the illegal ATV activity is caused by horsemen cutting trails to ride into areas and the irresponsible ATV'ers follow...or those new to the area and don't know its and illegal trail. I carry a grease pencil with me and when I come across this I write on the ATV that they are illegal and I will document the license and area and turn it in to the Forest Service. Depending on how bad they are off trail I may even just lift off the spark plug wire from the plug just a bit;). As a rider I believe in documenting the asshole for I wish to continue to ride the trails. As far as a recomendation I would go with the 550. I have a 1999 Yamaha Grizzly 600 that I am still using and though it is a solid axle (not so comfy ride) it can carry a load well. I have hauled deer and elk out to base camp (my camp trailer) so the smaller one would work well for you. If you have property you will find alot of uses for it too, I use my alot around my 5 acres.


Aug 21, 2013
It depends on the unit. During archery season there are some areas I'll use one to get to certain areas. I definitely use one for rifle season as it's faster and easier to get to spots than driving my SUV. I can't stand riding the 4x4 models as they bore me to death (I race atv's) so I bought an old cheap one. If you don't plan to use it a lot, I'd buy an older model that hasn't been beat to death. Tough to beat a Honda.

And I've seen plenty of idiots in the woods in trucks, SUV's and on horses. In fact, last year a guy in a CJ5 screwed us on opening morning since he got stuck in a creek crossing on a trail system for atv's. Don't blame the tool, blame the operator.


Jan 11, 2014
I know someone who hates them so bad he gives them flat tires everytime he finds one parked. Kind of extreme, but that's how he feels about it.

That type of stuff gives hunters a bad name. That guy needs a lesson on morals. What if the person he slashed the tires of was disabled or older and that was their source of transportation back? What if the person got stuck out in the woods and was un prepared and died? On public land what makes the person you know think they have more right to the land then someone else? That guy is a real scumbag to do that to someone else and needs to be taught basic morals.

Sorry but that is just wrong for someone to do no matter how you paint it.

Back to the subject. Thank you all for really great, detailed posts and taking the time to read what I was asking it has helped my decision a lot.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I'm guessing you have an ATV? Bad assumption, or good guess?

Bad assumption.

I have a couple beat up trucks because I don't have an ATV. Which is exactly what the OP was asking about. An ATV can handle those rough rocky roads a lot better and faster.


Feb 8, 2014
7 rules of Elk Hunting by 'Bar':

1. Use no modern way of transportation. If you can't get there by feet, you shouldn't be hunting.
2. If you live on the front range of Colorado and hunt the western slope, you and your horse better get started early.
3. Most people with ATV's just can't help themselves and will break the law.
4. People who walk and use horses are God's modern disciples and can expect follow the law by the letter.
5. If trail is for ATV's use only, and you take it, you aren't really an elk hunter.
6. If you are worried about your main vehicle getting crumbled, by a junker and start walking.
7. If you really want to hunt elk.....get horses, get tack, get good boots, and substitute your gun with a spear.

This is tongue in cheek, but some of your assumptions are judgemental at the very least. The OP is trying to save his daily driver from getting beat up to get to the trailhead to do your favorite pastime....walking.

He should rent a Jeep. You can add that to my list.
May 10, 2015
I will always use an ATV where applicable. I've read some other posts that dislike them because of the abuse some people have done with them. I hunt areas sometimes where taking your pickup up a road to a trailhead will take almost an hour because it is so rough, but a 4 wheeler will make it a 5 to 10 min trip. So, what is the difference between driving you pickup up the road or riding an ATV? Nothing, other than about 6,000 lbs.

Question: Do those people who do not like ATV's because of abuse feel the same way because someone abuses a weapon (rifle) for the illegal killing of game? Are the feelings the same because someone abuses the use of alcohol and kills or injures someone because of DWI?

Just wondering, that's all...


Feb 8, 2014
I will always use an ATV where applicable. I've read some other posts that dislike them because of the abuse some people have done with them. I hunt areas sometimes where taking your pickup up a road to a trailhead will take almost an hour because it is so rough, but a 4 wheeler will make it a 5 to 10 min trip. So, what is the difference between driving you pickup up the road or riding an ATV? Nothing, other than about 6,000 lbs.

Question: Do those people who do not like ATV's because of abuse feel the same way because someone abuses a weapon (rifle) for the illegal killing of game? Are the feelings the same because someone abuses the use of alcohol and kills or injures someone because of DWI?

Just wondering, that's all...

I can give you my honest opinion. I have a capable Jeep that doesn't have a problem with any road. So, that is no big deal to have ATV's use those. I don't hunt near any road anyway. I'm talking about ATV trails. To small for a Jeep, but just right for an ATV. A lot of those go through hunting areas, or at least very close. I've never heard a quiet ATV, and they tend to spook game. Elk and deer seem to know the sound of an ATV means a hunter. At least it seems that way.
Another problem is when someone has an ATV, and leaves it parked on a legal trail. They hike in to hunt. When they kill something it's pretty hard for them to haul out the meat on their back when they know an ATV is a short ways away. So, they go get it to just bring out the meat. They seem to think it's ok to go into a hunting area to just get the meat. They even tell you that. They say....I'm just getting the meat, and i'll be out of here.

These are my observations. More times than I can remember an ATV has blown a stalk I was on.


Aug 21, 2013
I can give you my honest opinion. I have a capable Jeep that doesn't have a problem with any road. So, that is no big deal to have ATV's use those. I don't hunt near any road anyway. I'm talking about ATV trails. To small for a Jeep, but just right for an ATV. A lot of those go through hunting areas, or at least very close. I've never heard a quiet ATV, and they tend to spook game. Elk and deer seem to know the sound of an ATV means a hunter. At least it seems that way.
Another problem is when someone has an ATV, and leaves it parked on a legal trail. They hike in to hunt. When they kill something it's pretty hard for them to haul out the meat on their back when they know an ATV is a short ways away. So, they go get it to just bring out the meat. They seem to think it's ok to go into a hunting area to just get the meat. They even tell you that. They say....I'm just getting the meat, and i'll be out of here.

These are my observations. More times than I can remember an ATV has blown a stalk I was on.

Your observations are very biased and if you hate atv's so much, please stick to the Wilderness areas. That's what they are there for.
Your comment of "Elk and deer seem to know the sound of an ATV means a hunter. At least it seems that way." is total b.s. If they're not used to traffic they'll run, car, truck, or atv. I've found elk bedded down 200 yards from a busy road or trail system. AFTER I used my atv to get to that spot. A buddy of mine stopped to take a picture of a very nice bull feeding in a meadow when he was out riding his dirtbike on a legal trail. The bull didn't give two squirts that he was there. And I've found plenty of sign along legal atv trails so deer and elk don't seem to have a problem using them.

If the trail is legal, and passes through a hunting area, then the hunter needs to understand that there will be atv traffic through that area. Most of the time, game is accustomed to the traffic. Just because someone is out hunting doesn't mean they own the forest. If it's an illegal trail, then that is a different situation and that persons tag and description should be written down and reported to the authorities. I also know of legal trails that get booby trapped by arrogant hunters to keep ohv's out of "their" hunting area. That's a total dick move and can get somebody seriously injured or killed. Your buddy who likes to slash tires, another dick move and he better hope he isn't caught in the process for that is a situation that can turn ugly real fast. He needs to get over himself for he doesn't own the forest. How would you like it if another hunter didn't like horses because he felt it gave you an unfair advantage so he decided to cut your hobbles, or stirrups, or cinch straps?

There are some area's in CO that it's LEGAL for an ATV to be used in game recovery off trail. And, not everyone who rides an atv uses them for game recovery. Your statements seem to generalize the majority of atv users as slobs who don't give a rip about the forest when in fact the majority of them use atv's properly, care for the forest and realize that if they don't follow the rules they will lose access.
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