How much do you use a atv?

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Dec 12, 2012
Casper, Wyoming
I have been trying to figure this out as well. I came to the conclusion that I could not justify it. I would rather get a jeep (I drive an F150) and take that because I could potentially drive that everyday of the week. I am fortunate enough that I don't drive my personal rig anywhere due to having a company vehicle. Lately I have been having to justify the personal truck, I can't imagine justifying the four wheeler too. In all reality though, they do make some roads more palatable. Around here they get abused extremely bad and the forest service/BLM has started to crack down. In an area I used to hunt they made the main road ATV only, 50 inches or less. To me they should just close the damn road and make it a trail system for foot traffic. Its only getting worse and then it will be shut off so then it will be an oasis for game. At least that is what my hope is. For now I think I will stick to the truck and hike. Good luck with your decision.


Jan 11, 2014
The question isn't about hunting wilderness areas, I prefer hunting them to. It's getting to the wilderness lines. Most of the roads are in poor shape.
May 9, 2012
Bothell, Wa
There are a few units in Wa, especially late hunts, where I'd much rather run into an ATV than a full size pickup. The roads are just too dangerous for the big trucks.

I could see myself owning one someday. There are a lot of logging roads that once covered in snow pretty much scare me more than any hazard I'd find in the wilderness.


Feb 8, 2014
The question isn't about hunting wilderness areas, I prefer hunting them to. It's getting to the wilderness lines. Most of the roads are in poor shape.

You missed the point. Some of us hate ATV's so much that we'll hike into wilderness areas to get away from them. I'd prefer to hunt in easier areas, but then I have to deal with the ATVs.

We all did fine before ATV's were invented. It's elk hunting. It's not suppose to be easy. The world has gotten lazy and fat. Always the easy way.


Jan 11, 2014
You missed the point. Some of us hate ATV's so much that we'll hike into wilderness areas to get away from them. I'd prefer to hunt in easier areas, but then I have to deal with the ATVs.

We all did fine before ATV's were invented. It's elk hunting. It's not suppose to be easy. The world has gotten lazy and fat. Always the easy way.

I understand what you are saying. My question isn't that what you are implying. All I'm trying to see is if it is worth it to save my rig. I didn't miss the point, the answers are going to another tangent that wasn't part of the question. Thank you to the posters that read and answered my question, that was what I needed to know. I didn't make the post to create a battle of using a atv where it shouldn't. The question simply boils down to would it be worth it to save my rig. I got the answers I needed. Thank you for your help I appreciate it.


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
You missed the point. Some of us hate ATV's so much that we'll hike into wilderness areas to get away from them. I'd prefer to hunt in easier areas, but then I have to deal with the ATVs.

We all did fine before ATV's were invented. It's elk hunting. It's not suppose to be easy. The world has gotten lazy and fat. Always the easy way.

Driving an ATV to your hunting spot is lazy but driving your truck isn't. Yea, OK.
Nov 7, 2012
I was trying to decide if I wanted an ATV but I am having a hard time buying one because I just dont know if it is worth it. I too thought it would be better to just park my SUV at the main road and ATV from there to save on my SUV. I have started to hunt a new area though and there is only hike/horse access so it would be pointless to get an ATV. There is one area I would like to hunt that I cannot get my SUV into but buying an ATV for that one area seams like a waste. I keep my eyes open and someday if I find that rare deal you just cant pass up maybe I will get one.

I also have hunted areas where an ATV would have been nice but I have found that the more miles I hike the more opportunities I find. Had I had an ATV I would have rode right on past.


Feb 8, 2014
I understand what you are saying. My question isn't that what you are implying. All I'm trying to see is if it is worth it to save my rig. I didn't miss the point, the answers are going to another tangent that wasn't part of the question. Thank you to the posters that read and answered my question, that was what I needed to know. I didn't make the post to create a battle of using a atv where it shouldn't. The question simply boils down to would it be worth it to save my rig. I got the answers I needed. Thank you for your help I appreciate it.

I understood the question. We're just telling you what you might put up with from some hunters when you use an ATV. I know someone who hates them so bad he gives them flat tires everytime he finds one parked. Kind of extreme, but that's how he feels about it.


Feb 8, 2014
I was thinking the same thing.

I never said I drive the Jeep to my hunting area. I'm not even close to it. I'm not even close to any trailhead. Hell, there's not even a trail. Basically, i'm just getting off a main road, and hiking in. However, an ATV could keep going for miles if he wanted to break the law. Which a lot of them do. ATV riders may start with good intentions, but when they're tired, or in a rush. They just keep going. I've seen it way too many times.


Jan 21, 2015
I own an ATV but haven't really used it for hunting big game. For what you intend on using it for I don't see a problem with getting one. I don't think the cost of a new ATV would really justify saving some wear and tear on your truck but it's a good excuse if you are interested in getting an ATV. I use mine for plowing snow in the winter and for several camping trips throughout the year with my family/kids. I was seriously looking at the Yamaha's when I bought mine, and they are great ATV's, but I ended up going with a Suzuki Kingquad as it was a lot less money for what I felt was at least as nice an ATV as the Yamaha's. The Suzuki motor is noticeably more quiet than the Yamaha's, but again, any ATV is still pretty loud.

As far as your question regarding the 550 vs. the 700 it depends on what you want to get out of it. A 550 will get you anywhere you care to legally go on an ATV but there are a few situations where you can get there faster on a 700 so if that is worth the extra cost to you then go with the 700. If you plan on doing any long rides or have small kids on with you I'd highly recommend looking at a power steering model. I can't count the number of times I've had my kids fall asleep on a ride and I'm basically driving with one hand. The power steering is a life saver in those situations. It also helps absorb bumps that want to turn the wheels.

I've read through the thread and recognize there is some controversy here, and in large part I agree with it. Still, IMO, if used correctly they can be a good tool for hunting. I've just chosen not to really use them that way personally. Regardless, I think hunters in general are few enough and our rights are being threatened enough that, as long as they are doing it legally, I don't care how someone else chooses to hunt. Getting more hunters out is good for the longevity of the sport. I sometimes worry that my kids won't have the opportunity to hunt when they get older because of all of the political garbage happening. If someone wants to responsibly and legally use an ATV for hunting I have no problem with it. Besides, that limits where they can go and opens up some of the best hunting in the backcountry to the few of us willing to hike out and work for an animal.

Sorry for the long post, I'm done...


Sep 18, 2012
He didn't say he was driving it to his hunting area. He said he was going to use it instead of destroying his car. We ride our atv's in until we can't and then hike. I shot my elk over two miles from the atv last year and we didn't break any laws to go get it. We packed it back to where the atv was legally parked. It would've been close to 8 miles to pack it back to the truck. Atv's are much cheaper then horses.


Feb 8, 2014
He didn't say he was driving it to his hunting area. He said he was going to use it instead of destroying his car. We ride our atv's in until we can't and then hike. I shot my elk over two miles from the atv last year and we didn't break any laws to go get it. We packed it back to where the atv was legally parked. It would've been close to 8 miles to pack it back to the truck. Atv's are much cheaper then horses.

True, but horses can go into wilderness areas. That makes them worth the trouble and expense. I used to have a mule called Fred. I miss that old boy. He loved to go elk hunting.
May 9, 2012
Bothell, Wa
What do you do when the wilderness areas are buried under five feet of snow and all the elk have moved to wintering areas?

I totally understand wilderness hunting in Sept but I also see the need for an ATV come the late season.

I'd love to see valley/wintering areas added to wilderness areas but I don't see that happening :(.


Oct 8, 2014
I may have mis-read it but if you just get out one week a year for elk and this would be the only time you use an ATV might not be worth the $$$$. If you plan to use it other areas for fun and play then yes might be worth it. I already have an ATV and from the sounds of it I would use it for I tend to baby my truck. ATV is much easier to get unstuck or out if the weather turns for the worse that is for sure. Throw a winch on the ATV and your set.

When if you do get one I will say try and go fuel injected! The ATV might allow you to scout more areas in the pre-season too for glassing. Just depends on where you are planning to hunt. Heck this year I may rent a car instead of racking up the miles on my truck the first week of the season. Best of luck to you.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
True, but horses can go into wilderness areas. That makes them worth the trouble and expense. I used to have a mule called Fred. I miss that old boy. He loved to go elk hunting.

But even with horses you have to haul them to some place before riding them in. I'm sure you wouldn't ride it from town all the way to the trailhead just because you hate ATV's and lazy people. Does your buddy also break the legs of every horse he runs into while hunting? Riding a horse into the wilderness is as lazy as riding the ATV to the trailhead. But at least once at the trailhead the ATV rider is walking.
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