How many states do you apply in?

5 states.

State 1…..I get to hunt every year
State 2…..hunt every 3 years
State 3….wait about 6 years for good tag
State 4…..completely random
State 5…..holding out for max points.
I have had a rough time hunting out of state on several occasions, even though I’m moderately experienced so I’m actually applying less states this year just Colorado and Wyoming burned all my Montana points last year and I’ll apply for a very low odds Hunt in Idaho as well

So 4
I’m applying to 3. MT, WY, CO

Will do Mule Deer in 2. ND and SD.

I’ve built out a full 10 year strategic plan for tags to get a better grip on how to hunt elk every year. Getting harder with OTC tags being virtually gone outside a few opportunities. Most years I’ll be applying to 2 or 3 states and building points in 2 to 3 others.
Just PA and KY. Living on the Eastern shore makes it difficult to justify applying way out west. At least while I still have little kids
Just PA and KY. Living on the Eastern shore makes it difficult to justify applying way out west. At least while I still have little kids
For Elk that is. I’ll have to get out and go after some Sika deer this year since that won’t take much for me
New Mexico

1 year plan. Things I can draw in the next 1-3 years. You never really know anymore.
3-5 year plan. Things I can draw in the next 3-5 years, in theory.
10 year plan. Things I have 8-15 points for.
Lifetime applications. Things I always apply for, these are things like sheep even though I don't have a ton of points. someone has to draw. So I might as well donate my application fee.

Raffles go are really in this 4th pot. I participate in raffles every year, some inside the game agency, some in Conservation groups and some private ones like Hunting Fool and WTA. I don't spend more than $500 a year on this. As it is a lottery.

There are things I stopped apply for as a non-resident that are either completely unfathomable to draw like .0001 percent (New Mexico Ibex billy with a rifle) and non-resident Wyoming non point moose.

I have a couple of other ones I do through programs I am not able to talk about, as I don't want anyone knowing about them. I am sure some of you have them as well.

Since I live in Europe and am only hunting Europe I am just doing points. Saves that whole New Mexico and Idaho tag cost thing from going down the toilet.