How many rounds do you carry?

I keep 4 in the rifle, then keep 5 in a 10rd ammo wallet. Used to just keep 2 extra, but after a buddy knocked my rifle off a rock, I learned to keep a few more to confirm zero if i need it.
4. If I haven't hit it at that point it doesn't seem any more will help. Assuming I haven't yet scared it off. And if I've scared it off I don't need any more. So, either way 4 is the most I carry. Maybe one day I can get that down to 3!
Full mag (4) plus 10 in the backpack. Nice to have a few spare for whatever comes up.
I always take at least 6 rounds into the woods and I always have a full box of 20 in my truck or in camp, as back up. Some of my back up ammo are factory rounds, in case there is a problem with my reloads.
I was going to ask this question as I was looking at pack weight for an upcoming goat hunt. Glad I did a search.

I have been carrying 10, this goes back to a gun that held five in the mag plus a reload. New rifle and I only carry four in the gun now, but 10 still feels right.

For my revolvers I carry 12, six in the gun and six for reload. I figure if I'm charged by a bear and happen to be left breathing, odds are good I will have emptied what was loaded in the gun, so a full reload is in order. I rarely carry both a rifle and a revolver though.
For backpack hunts in bear country, I fill the detachable mag in my rifle (3) and carry 7 extra. Handgun gets left at home to shave weight.

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out for the day, i load my magazine and i put a couple extra in my pocket, if i am overnight i keep a few more in my packpack in case i have to zero my gun
Went on a day hunt with a buddy and his buddy. His buddy was the only one Of the two with a rifle. He Hit a cow and couldn’t knock her down. 5-6 shots total. He ran out of ammo as she stood there. You guys thinking you don’t need more than 3-4 because if you miss they’ll run away might want to think more about a hit then long follow ups trying to knock it down. 3+1 in the gun plus 3-4 more easy access plus a few buried in the pack. I go hunting to kill stuff and I need ammo to do that. I’ll shave weight elsewhere.

Oh and I ended up killing his elk as he made the 2 mile hike back to get more ammo. Turned out half way back we found out he shot the same caliber as I did so then he made the hike back to me and borrowed some ammo.
One full box of .270 win, leave a dozen at spike camp but suffer the full box in/out as time is of the essence and don't wanna head out to truck if more is needed for zeroing or misplaced ammo, never know. Probably cut the .300 wby down to 10 rounds if I take it. Usually only 1-3 needed if any but at least I know I got extra to fill that wolf tag.