How many releases do you have?


Feb 23, 2019
I’ve got way too many! And I just ordered a Stan Solex to play with. Here’s my list
2- Stan Onnex’s thumb
2- Carter RX1’s
2- Carter quickie’s maybe 3
2- Carter evolutions
1- Stan Solex
I tend to mix up my handheld releases when I’m shooting and just shoot the one I grab from the pouch but my index triggers are pretty much backups but I will shoot them a time or 2 before season just to make sure I’m hitting good and using them properly. I can switch to any of them and my POI doesn’t change.
2 Stan perfex long neck thumb buttons
1 Stan perfex resistance
1 unltraview the hinge 2
1 Tru ball blade pro flex
1 Tru ball max hunter
10-20 different wrist rockets

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2 - Scott hand grip releases. Wish I could find another one. I've been using one for years and they stopped making them.

Screenshot 2024-06-10 081534.png
A Carter Wise Choice and a Tru Ball HBC. In keeping with the other equipment hoarding thread I give away my old ones when I settle on new ones.
TRU Ball Sweet Spot
TRU Ball Fulkrum Flex (x2)
Carter Evolution
Carter Chocolate Addiction
Ultraview Hinge 2.0
Ultraview Thumb
Stan Onnex Thumb

I always gravitate back to the Fulkrum, but wish it had dual moons.

The Onnex is what is shoot in windy conditions.

Ultraview is a comfortable release, and I like the concept behind the design, but I’ve sent back 4 hinges due to a known issue with the moons slipping, and they let me exchange one of the hinges for a thumb.

I tried a TRU Ball Executive due to the dual moons, but the head flopping around annoyed me.

I think I’m finally done buying releases.
Same 2 identical "Zero Gap" nylon strap releases that I've had since '95...30 seasons with the same release...not sure what I'll do without them:)
2 Carter 2 shots
Carter wise choice
Some kind of scott

I can think of a couple more I would like to buy
2 - Scott hand grip releases. Wish I could find another one. I've been using one for years and they stopped making them.

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That's an interesting design. I recently went from a Truball Short and Sweet R index to a Spot Hogg Keeton because the handle was supposed to be easier on old man arthritic surgically-repaired shoulders. It is very nice on the draw but I'm not wild about the anchoring with the Keeton and its pivoting handle. I'm trying a Stan Axis and I like it better. It is my first thumb button release.

I really like the Short and Sweet R but for some reason it (or any typical index release) really strains my proximal bicep tendon when practicing more than a few shots. It's never been an issue when hunting.
2. A Scott index and an older index that I can’t remember the name of. Thinking about switching to a Stann Onex thumb but not until this season is over. Just want to tinker a bit I guess.
A perfex
A nock 2 it

The best of them all, no reason for anything else.

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3 B3 Versa
B3 hinge I modified to make neck length and placement the same as the Versa.

2-Spot Hogg Whipper Snapper, hunting release.

Box of others, but that's what I have been using for the past several years now.

Found that generally changing the release doesn't really fix anything, might buy some time.
I am afraid to count them all. Probably ten to twelve.
Time to clean them out and let someone else have them!