How many NUTS (Nights Under The Stars)?


Jun 21, 2012
Nor Cal
As 2012 is winding up, I'm curious how many nights our the group has spend out in the wilds. I'm also curious who has the most. My bet is Luke and Becca will be among the top.

My best was in 2009. I spent 28 nights out under the stars. About 19 of those were during hunting season. The rest were destination training runs or summer camping trips.
i like to calc. mine by nights in my sleeping bag, im at 15 with a 10day trip starting the 27th. hoping to do a couple overnights on the snowshoes once the snow falls as well
Thanks for the vote of confidence, but we wont win. You are doesn't get dark for most of the summer at night in Ak, so I didn't see stars until the Sept and Oct hunts started :)

My best estimate is somewhere around 60 nights in the field for 2012 so far...will let Luke do his own tally, but guessing he is in the neighborhood of 75 nights.
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I've spent 14 nights out on hunting or scouting trips this year. That's actually on the high side since I added two small kids to the household. However, once I add in the nights spent in tents for work this year, I'm somewhere around 30 total, which is a pretty normal number for me.

If I counted "nights spent in a sleeping bag", there have been years that I've spent over 100 days in the field living out of tents, weatherports, old log cabins, wooden fishing boats, etc. Not a lot of hotels where I usually work. Those don't really count as "under the stars" IMO though. I've also tried to back off those kind of numbers since I started raising kids, although my first born actually went with with me when he was a baby. Kid took his first steps in a lodge in the Alaska Range. I learned it is actually possible to strap a car seat into a Dehavilland Otter!

By the end of this hunting season I will be above the 30 night mark for 2012 as a whole. I am at 9 for mule deer, and season has ended on my side of the state. I will be adding a bunch of nights for elk season though here very soon.

Last year I was above 40, but that mostly has to do with getting married and burning a lot of vacation time for that.
I honestly could not say with any amount accuracy what Im at. Ive been out quite a bit all year long, in the last two months Ive spent ~14 nights in my bag which is quite a bit for me. I would venture a guess of... 30ish. Will certaily have a few more coming up as well.
My recent sheep hunt really bulked up that number.

Ive always had a goal of doing 100 in a year.