How many hunting rifles do you have?

It’s like eating at a restaurant - variety isn’t a bad thing, even though we all have favorites for different meals, holidays, or special occasions.

I’ve finally gifted or sold all my centerfire rifles except for one, with multiple barrels. Already I miss a second rifle - it’s a pain in the ass to zero all the time.

At a minimum a 243 varmints/trainer and 7 mag served me well through the years. A 22-250 has always been the first choice for varmints big and small.

The .338 was added in high school for elk. Now, the .338 would only be used in the timber. A 300 PRC is my new general purpose elk round.

A 6.5 PRC would be a good backup for the 7 mag, but I no longer have a backup. A 270 makes me think of 8th grade and chasing deer and antelope for the first time. The 22 creed has taken over for coyotes. A 6br is this year’s trainer.

If I’m fishing in Alaska an iron sighted 375 H&H won’t be far. A 30-06 will always remind me of an acquaintance who shot a polar bear with one.

204 Ruger will be next year’s flavor for small varmints. A newly acquired 25-06 mountain rifle barrel reminds me of a dear friend. The 284, 7mm-08, 30 br, 308, 6.5 creed, 6.5-284, 6mm-06, and 300 ultra mag are like the cousin you don’t pic as a first choice - they are always there, but may never be invited to come along.

The 458 - because every boy who owned a Red Rider BB gun also wanted an elephant gun.

A super accurate old timey octagon 30-40 Kraig or 30-30 barrel would be fun to spank the nephews with while shooting rocks. I’m also looking for a 17 Remington barrel since dad and his friends killed everything in Alaska with it. I’ve never owned a 35 caliber, wouldn’t mind one of those - same for 9.3mm. Another good friend had an 8mm rem, and my oldest friend has always used the 264 win so those barrels would have meaning even if I didn’t hunt with ‘em.

The problem with having one gun is the number of barrels is ridiculous. Lol
too many. And all but 2 are extraneous. Tikka t3x .223 compact in stockys with a trijicon Huron and a seekins havak element 7prc with trijicon ten mile hx and a harvester 30 can. I’m not sure if any of the others will get taken out I tried selling a few at pretty good prices but no one bit so they stay in the safe. I bought the 223 for my daughter to shoot but she has lost a bit of interest so now it’s my truck/SxS gun for anytime an opportunity for yotes or a lion come up. Was quail hunting last year and saw 4 lions at about 100 yards and only had an over under 20ga. That won’t happen again
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I like gonz, listed by what I use them for but not necessarily how I’d categorize them for other people.

Small Game
17 HMR

22 ARC

Big Game
22 Creedmoor
280 Ackley
300 PRC
270 Win
358 Win
220 Swift
6.5 Grendel
6.5 PRC (My comp rifle that could sit in on a whitetail hunt if needed).
6 Creedmoor - currently building
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I went from having 12 hunting rifles at one point in time to having 3 hunting rifles(not counting AR's) I realized I hunted with the same rifle every time and sold most and gave my brother 2 rifles.
Probably too many here - I like variety and enjoy tinkering with a new project. Some go down the road eventually and somehow another takes it place in the safe haha.
4 right now, have had several more in the past but been trying to consolidate a bit. Realistically only hunt with two and have the other two for sentimental reasons.
I didn't even account for 22's, 17's and 22 magnums. If that's the case....hell I've got 15 or 20 hunting rifles 😂 I have 3 sons that all have their own rifles.
Made some real progress in thinning out my stash. Being a lefty I bought them as I found them. I'd rather take the money and go hunt more than fondle rifles.
I have .308, long faithful .270, 6.5 prc, 7prc and .375 Ruger. I'll die with these and use them all.
I have spent a ton of time pondering this and have recently said I am all set (yeah right). I am definitely more about quality than quantity these days.
I have 4 custom rifles built by Hargan Precision Rifleworks:
6mm Creedmoor
6.5 PRC
300 PRC
and my most recent addition 338 RUM.
I would still like to get a cool lever action (not sure what I want yet).
And maybe a few more 10mm pistols.
5 and 2 of em are for sale.

I never understood the dudes who have a dozen ho hum deer rifles. Get a couple really nice ones instead and shoot those 2 rather than putting 10 rounds a year at best through ten different ones.
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I went from having 12 hunting rifles at one point in time to having 3 hunting rifles(not counting AR's) I realized I hunted with the same rifle every time and sold most and gave my brother 2 rifles.

This is where I’m headed. I’ve had rifles that sat in the safe unfired for years.

I’m about to start paring my rifles down to a small group of primary rifles. I always grab the same 3-4 ones every time I go hunting.

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