As a teenager I had a Nikon 3x9 on a browning .270. I can't remember which model Nikon, but it cost me a few whitetail. One that would be a personal best to this day.
I didn't know much about proper scope mounting at the time, so I couldn't tell you if it was the rings, base, or the scope, but I know on the big whitetail it was hitting a foot high at 50 yds when I got back to the truck and shot paper.
It finally ran out of erector travel after sighting it back in a couple times. Pawned the gun and scope, but wish I would have kept the gun!
I didn't know much about proper scope mounting at the time, so I couldn't tell you if it was the rings, base, or the scope, but I know on the big whitetail it was hitting a foot high at 50 yds when I got back to the truck and shot paper.
It finally ran out of erector travel after sighting it back in a couple times. Pawned the gun and scope, but wish I would have kept the gun!